
I have 50 invites if anyone wants one, just post your email and they are yours.

I don’t know who doesnt have a Gmail account yet. I mean Google gave everyone 50 invites, so most people in the know, should have one. If you don’t have one yet, you don’t deserve one. :slight_smile:

I’m just glad i made profit on invites before it got bigger.

gah, i stopped using my gmail account…


GMail was such a big hype, until Hotmail gave everyone like 250MB.
More then I could ask for.

Not to mention Rogers and their partnership with Yahoo, gave all their
customers 250MB of e-mail as well.

Seriously how many e-mail accounts do you need? :dunno:

Thing is, once you start using an e-mail for years, it becomes like your
trademark e-mail and you use it everywhere and everywhere, including
at the bars to pick up chicks. :hsugh:

If you don’t have a trademark e-mail by now, you obviously suck at the
internet. Good day sir.

pm the kid if you want one.