So who wants GMAIL?

I have about 17 invites to give out. First come first serve. Put your email address or pm me and I will start sending invites until I run out.

Please explain what GMAIL is for those who don’t know.

GMAIL = google email

1000 mb of storage space. Need I say more?

I read an article in the toronto star…
I was curious as to how to get an invite.
And heres the chance…
Hook me up!


sure send me one.

I’d be happy to take one. Thanks man!

Ill take one

yeah ill see whats up

is this some kind of scam so you can get a free ipod? :stuck_out_tongue:

iquabob at

thanks bro

Everyone who pmed me so far or posted here should have received an invite from me except Benson because he for some reason gave me an email address which has returned the following error message:

Sorry your message to cannot be delivered. This account has been disabled or discontinued

So Benson if you have another email address I can use another invite on you… :roll:

ok sure
attard_jason at

Sent you one too.

Just so everyone knows, this is not a scam and I don’t gain anything by inviting you guys. I am only offering this to SON members because I am a nice person and am giving away some extra invites I have.

I’ll take one if you got one left.

Sent you an invite, only one invite left, first come first serve. I’ll let everyone know when I get some more.

If anyone who I gave invites wants, they can give some out too. I believe each new account starts with 6 invites.

I have about 30 as well.

thank you!

I havent gotten mine :evil:

Thanks Man!!

Much appreciated!!

let’s take a look see.


Really, Hmmmm I don’t know why it did not work, try it again and if it does not work then Ill set up another e-mail.