Goin home!

Welp, I’ve been in country for 348 days now, and deployed for 6 months longer than that. In a few days I get to take a vomit comet ride down to kuwait, sit there and sweat my ass off for a day or two, and then I’ll be on a plane back to the states. I’m finally going home. Oh, and I won’t be online after tomorrow, for a week to a week and a half. Sold my satellite system. 2 grand back in my pocket, w00t! There’s my set of coilovers, my paint (Goin with PPG, Nissan color code WV2: Silverstone) and some beer money left over.

Congrats and have a safe flight.



have fun sitting behind the fence in ali asaleem

ahh, another desert rat. how much longer you got?

i got home a few days before xmas

I’m Home!! Well, I’m in Camp Shelby, MS, anyway. I should be back in Pgh around the 23rd. w00t!!

now probably the longest part of the trip. so close to home… but not able to be here

keep safe. :slight_smile:

Welcome back. Thank you for your service.