Miss me

Just want to post it up that I’m gonna be out of contact for the next 32 days. No phone, no computer :headbang If anyone needs to get a hold of me just send me a PM and I’ll get a hold of you when I get back.

Im off for some Army training out at Ft. Lewis Washington (state) I’m sure some of you have heard me mumbling about this at the lot.

Anyway, miss me, the car will be out in full force when I get back. :giggedy

good luck see ya when ya get back :thumb

Good luck Mike, that’s 32 days you won’t have to worry about anything on your car!

Good luck Mike.

:+1 :lol

Kick ass dude. Get a hold of me when you get back.

appreciate your service! have fun :lol

talk to ya in 32!

Does this mean youre getting shipped out soon?

My cousin went for some training and got shipped out not long after. He’s in the reserves and in Iraq now.

Good luck. See you soon.

Good luck, sir! I’ll have to actually meet up with you when you get back for that steering wheel and rest of the stuff… :thumb

def… i’ll buy ya a drink when ya get back.

NOOOo, I need you and your cable to connect Hondata to a laptop :sad Good luck!!

iPod and phone back today thank god my my iPod touch
I fly back on Friday night


Glad to have you back! :thumb

Mike, welcome back!..Got your message today…yes I totally forgot about your truck(again). can you get it to me w/n the next coupe weeks??? Flatbed frame still broken…

Just got my laptop back and found some wifi. I dont actually get back until the 9th, we still have to spend three days cleaning shit and out processing.

PJB, this training is more of an assessment course for officers before they commission. I have a year of school and a year or two of branch specific training before I actually do anything like what active duty people are doing right now.

Lyndon, Ill give you another call as soon as I get back, I have the steering wheel stuff and your chip burner and all that to return to you.

Adam, I’ll give you another call once I see if my parents mind setting up the tow for me.

everyone else, thanks.

its been an interesting 30 days without any communication with the outside world.

No internet pr0n for 30 days :wow

Do share some stories :thumb (that are not related to the comment above :lol )