Going to get the 8830 and..

I’m going to get the Blackberry 8830 next month (damn you verizon plans!) and stumbled on this trade up program. Trade ups on Blackberry and Palm Treo :tup: Too bad my Treo is beat to shit. lmao


8830 is nice

Waiting for Sprint to release some info on the 8830 World Phone

I just hooked two 8830s up to an Enterprise Server. They are some nice ass phones. A bit too wide for my taste though. I’ll stick with my 8100.

just got this phone…anyone have it yet?

i’ve been playing with 8830 on VZW, they are sick

I had one, not using it anymore

Really nice phone, obviously BES works really well, my only gripe with the VZW 8830 is no GPS and no camera. The camera is not that big of a deal but you lose a lot of functionality without the GPS enabled.

It will take you some getting used to the blackberry methods for handling all of your mail/voicemail/texts, and the keyboard will take a little getting used to. Once you’re used to them it will be awesome though so give it a chance :tup:

edit: holy shit i am realizing I am turning into a total phone whore, I have either owned, or am about to buy every goddamn phone verizon has :stuck_out_tongue:

I really dislike the keyboard on the 8830, I’m much faster on my 7130

I’m much faster on my 8703, but if you hold it down (kinda like, perpendicular) i find it is much easier to type on

Bought the Sprint version back in July. Phone is awesome. Downloaded google maps and the Yahoo application. With built in GPS, I don’t have to use Sprints monthly GPS service. I can deal with how wide the phone is because it has a full keyboard. Don’t miss having a camera. I hated having to leave my phone at a front desk when I visited a facility because it had a camera.

so far i love it. but yeah no camera… :frowning: i switched all my settings to my liking, figured out how to do the basics so far, hooked up my email to it. now onto the fun shit.
thank you locutus for being my suga daddy :stuck_out_tongue:

that is exactly why i was pissed off that VZW disabled GPS on it :frowning:

killed the entire purpose of maps imo