Going to see Michael Moore?


The Canadian system is about to collapse (or already has depending on which Canadian you talk to) and they’re a much healthier society with far less poverty than the US. Anyone who thinks universal health care in the US is a good idea isn’t a communist, they’re just refusing to look at the real costs.

And ROFLing at “doing research” and “watching michael moore films” being used in the same sentence, unless that sentence is “I was researching one sided propaganda films mascarading as documentaries”.


Our health care system is a joke too. People make shit up so a pill can be created. Then pay out the ass for the pill for the fake problem. Then proceed to be subscribed 3 more pills for the side effects of the first pill. After that take 2 more pills to take care of the complications from the 3 pills, that take care of the first pill.

The United States medical system is one thing and one thing only, a cash cow. I’m not saying other countries have better systems, but ours is also fucked up beyond belief.