Bowling for comlumbine is on tv...

OMFG that is the biggest bunch of bullshit ive ever heard in my life. iv never actually seen this movie but holy shit, this guy is a total PIG. I love how he takes all these randome “facts” and uses them to make “white americans” look like gun toting murdurers…its funny.

This movie is fucking good. I don’t know what you’re talking about. If you don’t live in the suburban/city area, white america IS gun toting freaks. Just go to a rural town in WNY, like Gerry, or Cassadaga. Almost everyone there, kids too, love their guns, and love shooting them.

this movie is amazing, the facts speak for themselves, he is unfair in what he says most of the time, but this is an argument that u cant argue against.

I pack heat, like the oven door

Don’t listen to him, he has no idea what he is talking about. His grammar usually speaks for itself. . .

  1. dont start on the gramer shit, thats what i hated about ubrf and i dont need to see here either, you cant have an intelligent conversation withough some fag making fun of my “poor spelling”. typical liberal bs, changing the subject. anywho…

He is a pig, the way he exploits these tragic events to show his POV is rediculous, instead of blaming guns, why not blame the people whodid it. if they used knives would Moore have made a film about how people die from knife violence? I love his little facts about gun deaths in countries, like euopean countries that only have like 700 deaths per year from GSWs…and ours that has 11K…ofcorse he leaves out the fact that we have 200 MILLION more people than some of them…but what does that have to do with anything?

here are some random facts:
~you are over 60% more likly to die from Dr. malpractice than being shot and killed by a gun
~states that allow carry on permits with no questions asked have far fewer violent crimes than states without.
~in London, when they banned public firearms, the violent crime rate rose over 300%!!

and you people are going to tell me that guns kill people like an epidemic. guns dont kill people, people kill people. Guns are not what you have to worry about, the people that are irresponsable with them are the ones to worry about.


w/e idc, i work 70 hrs a week and go to school, you think i give a flying fuck if some stupid bitch on an online forum thinks im an idiot because my grammer is shitty? pick apart what i say not how i say it. I thaught this was some of the bullshit drama we were trying to get away from here…guess i was yet wrong again.


I love that one Josh.

I see where your coming from. I will probably die of a gun wound… cause I don’t go to the doctor.

grammer is fore suckrs


lol at the “Moore makes good points” comment… :lol:

poor people… I Almost feel bad for 'em lmao. Moore is such a joke… Go watch Bowling for truth and then tell me he makes good points (not saying it’s gospel, but it certinly makes more sense).

I’m all for gun control (a steady trigger finger)

Or for people with a twitchy trigger finger…


just remember the constitution.

Gun control needs to start at the home. Columbine was a tragedy but all the gun laws in the world aren’t gonna keep them out of the hands of people who shoulden’t have them. I own guns, i would own many more if i had the money. I dont live in the sticks and im not a redneck. You want to see where the gun problem is go visit the ghetto its the assholes that wanna be like fiddy cent.

ding ding ding!!!

u hit it right on, go into the ghetto and see all the illegal guns there, and the fucks who pull them on just about anyone who pisses them off. These are the people that need to be put in jail for life.

good post :cjerk:

but, kevin… what about they’re rights? Their the victims… wahhhhhh wahhhhhh

edit: oh yeah… fuck the white man, thier pigs… Americans are the scum of the earth. I hate it here… I love the french, their so clean and dislike cheese.

yeah, you are definitely “yet wrong again” on many levels.
especially when you use the word “fag.”

you know, I couldn’t even bring myself to pick apart WHAT you said … because it was just plain disgusting… and I’m not going to bother. I’d rather look at it and laugh. people like you are hopeless cases.

LOL. way to keep it together.

Im kinda glad those kids got shot. Buncha fuckin jocks…