Bowling for comlumbine is on tv...

As said befor, gun control needs to begin at home. Too many people are to irresponsible with where they place thier guns and from that people, mostly kids are killed. I don’t believe that guns save lives as i have been told by gun owners since the likelyhood of you or someone dying in your house because of your gun is greater than an intruder killing you in your own home.

With that said, I do like guns, I like shooting for sport (not hunting) and practing my aim.

Gun control laws need to be more affective at getting guns off the streets, what I’m tired of is the pro gun lobbies being pissed at gun-control lobbies instead of the people who use the guns wrongly which is the problem in the irst place.

I want to see the NRA go into a urban city and talk to people about gun safety and getting rid of illegal guns. Not make it leagal for anyone without a permit to be allowed to carry a gun on them. How come they can’t be more useful? :shrugg:

I’ll let that go because I am pretty sure its a joke. A very low brow joke, but a joke nonetheless.

Now I am not a Liberal Faggot or a Bible Thumping Conservative, I usually split down the middle.

I don’t think guns should be to blame for Columbine. Nor should we blame video games, music or TV. It goes much further than that. The parents of these kids obviously had no idea what their kids were up to. A good parent is able to see the signs of trouble in their kids and can address them before they get out of hand.

Parents need to do a better job. If your kid is fucked up, keep an eye on him/her. Keep involved in their lives. Talk to them. Get them help.

I am so sick of people scapegoating things instead of taking responsibility. I watched scary movies, played violent videogames and listened to explicit lyrics when I was a kid and now I have a college education, a good job and my life is on track. Those things aren’t the issue.

if by “a joke”, you mean “not a joke”, then, correct.

newman loves jocks… when they are on gay men who are doing the electric slide.

Grammer is guud! Sew is speling. Gunz dont kell piple, bulletz due. Michel Moore is a fat faggot commie fuck who is quite clever. I liked “Roger and Me”. I disagree with his point in B f C but have no problem hearing analternative pov.

good for entertainment purposes.

Oh I forgot. You are “Mr. TooCoolForTheRoom” who likes to say shocking things on the internet for attention and can’t agree with anything popular because you would be “selling out”.

lol. selling out? haha, i am hardly concerned about selling out. i am sold out. im typing this from a behind a desk in an office… and besides, i would totally say that in real life. and people would laugh.

and i agree with lots of popular things. like all the mean things people say about you. :smiley:


Howie made this for a reason:

Wow if that wasn’t a 5th Grade response, I don’t know what is.

The point is, you can’t honestly say that you are glad that people you don’t even know, who never wronged you are dead. And the fact that you are tells me you are a fucking liar.


im not glad, i just dont care.

omg. if you cant tell i am being sarcastic by now, you are seriously retarded. jesus fucking christ.

newman - I’m glad
Jay - You’re joking
newman - I’m not joking
Jay - You’re a fucking liar
newman - I’m not glad.

hmm never thought about it that way.

I always thought it would be nice to have 1 hour 1 day a year when homicide was legal…people would be a lot more careful about what they said and did…and I would baracade myself into a bomb shelter for that hour.

but could I resist the temptation of killing a fag?

i dunno…i sure hate fags

this message was a complete joke.

thank you


Jay - You’re glad
newman - I’m joking


its like modus tollens

for this, i will love you always.

I am absolutely retarded. I know it. This site certainly isn’t helping my condition. And as I said before. That was a stupid joke and you weren’t serious about it so in this case I was not retarded.

Oh and by the way I am going to call this quits now or I will never stop.
Last word > *

lol. but im still getting the last word in… so…
