Bowling for comlumbine is on tv...

guns are the least of our problems… mother nature wants us OUT

Hahahaha yes I heart starting drama!

I don’t like the whole B.F.C. either, though some good points are made. Same thing with 9/11 - though there are MANY more good points he makes. He is WAYYYYYY out there though, him along with those PETA losers in the video posted here all need to be removed from society.

As far as your grammar, I am sorry. I did not mean to sound like such an asshole, it came across very mean and I apologize. I will say this on the same subjext though.

Grammar makes a huge difference in how seriously you are taken.
To start reading through all of the errors takes away from the point you are trying to make. Also it makes you look like an uneducated, ignorant person. Who wants to take what they have to say with any sort of consideration?

You people that believe Moore is presenting a documentary are mindless. Do a little research instead of just believe whatever crap is spewed in front of you just because it is presented like it’s some hidden fact the government doesn’t want you to know

While he does bring up points - that are valid - it’s all about presentation.

Too bad most of the public is too retarded to determine what really is going on without input from other people.

BTW, 76% of stats are made up on the spot.

“60% of the time, it works every time”


Open box RAaawwr raawr raaaawwrrr!!!

damn… hell must of frozen over or something, but walter, I agree with you 100%

shit, what did I just do? lol

if i cud spel gud youd no my analternative pov is alwys rite

Let’s not make this place into UBRF Jr.

moore is a member of the nra and has many guns

If guns were outlawed only outlaws would have guns

Ofcorse not, you can’t have an intelligent debate, only bitch about my spelling because you cant think for yourself and come up with somthing better…but its ok, I forgive you.

No. She doesn’t want to waste her time saying something fucking awesome, just to have you respond with “shut up bitch”, or some other lame comeback. Besides, there’s nothing really to debate. You’re wrong. You can’t type/spell. And well… End of story. <3

Appology accepted and apreciated…yeah i know my spelling sucks, comes along with having realy bad adhd/tourettes, everybody i know with that cant spell to save their life…shit happens. what i was trying to get at is even though my spelling is not the greatest, you can still understand what i mean so i dont see the big deal…thank god for spell checker when i write essays for English lol.

ok noob, ummm…she called me a “fucking idiot” soooo…whats your point? i start talking about an incredably bias movie full of twisted ideals and she posts “your a fucking idiot”…so where are you coming from with “shut up bitch or some other lame comeback”…hhhmm…we have a sack rider here fellas…wach your balls.

ohh btw…you suck at life because I said so :stuck_out_tongue:

While we are on the subject:

People use “with that said” to make it seem like they know what they are talking about. Obviously “that” was just said, because I can look up two lines and read it. And whoever wrote it chose to put it after what they previously wrote for a reason.

This is going under the same useless phrase as “in and of itself” or “the fact of the matter.”

On and Michael Moore and Ann Coulter are the same people, different evils I have come to conclude.

so so evil indeed lol.

“intelligent debate”
hahhaahaaaaaaaa. wow.

one word: COMLUMBINE.

she just called you a “fucking idiot” because you are. i don’t see where the confusion is coming from? :gotme:

haha, yeah. my diabetes prevents me from making capitalizing certain words. i feel your pain brother.

If I was drinking something, it totally would have been spit out and all over my computer screen right now. That was hilarious.

And… a sack rider? I don’t understand that. Oh, wait, lemme guess, because I’m a girl? What? A girl can’t diss a guy? Oh yeah I forgot. That’s against the rules. If you were a girl I’d say the same fucking thing.

Shoot the kids at school.

HEY JANNY GIRL. Im callin’ your ass out. How does this make him a fucking idiot? Please…read it again…and enlighten me…

  1. dont start on the gramer shit, thats what i hated about ubrf and i dont need to see here either, you cant have an intelligent conversation withough some fag making fun of my “poor spelling”. typical liberal bs, changing the subject. anywho…

He is a pig, the way he exploits these tragic events to show his POV is rediculous, instead of blaming guns, why not blame the people whodid it. if they used knives would Moore have made a film about how people die from knife violence? I love his little facts about gun deaths in countries, like euopean countries that only have like 700 deaths per year from GSWs…and ours that has 11K…ofcorse he leaves out the fact that we have 200 MILLION more people than some of them…but what does that have to do with anything?

here are some random facts:
~you are over 60% more likly to die from Dr. malpractice than being shot and killed by a gun
~states that allow carry on permits with no questions asked have far fewer violent crimes than states without.
~in London, when they banned public firearms, the violent crime rate rose over 300%!!

and you people are going to tell me that guns kill people like an epidemic. guns dont kill people, people kill people. Guns are not what you have to worry about, the people that are irresponsable with them are the ones to worry about.

Thank you.
So REALLY is spelling and grammar THAT huge of an issue here…and considering the topic of the discussion, THATS all you had to say was “Fucking idiot” and procede to point out every single grammatical error?? He made a good point and nobody else had a problem with it but YOU…and not even about WHAT he said.

And if you want to get petty and nit picky…this was all coming from the NYspeed ATTENTION WHORE herself!!!

So if you don’t have anything nice [or at least semi- intelligent or relevant] to say, don’t say anything at all.

I’m sick of reading all your bullshit.