Bowling for comlumbine is on tv...

before you make fun of me…take a gooood look at yourself in the mirror, oh wait…you just act “differant” so you can express yourself and not be mainstream , because your an indavidual…like all the other posers out there who dress and act the exact same way. I love how people like yourself preach anti-conformity, yet you conform to your own hypocritical idealistic system and dont even realize it…fucking toolbox.

Wait, how is somebody that hardly posts, and hardly makes new posts, an “attention whore.”

Janny girl?

:tup: thank you! finally sombody understands where im coming from lol. yes my spelling sucks but instead of saying “hey i disagree with what you say and this is why…” all i get is a “your a fucking idiot” because of my spelling :bloated:

HOW not WHO. Goodness.:cry:

it has nothing to do with you being female, it has everything to do with you basicly saying “janny your awsome and right and jeg is wrong and an idiot. why, i dont know, but janny sais so so it must be true”…maby its just me, but thats how i precieved it.

If you watch the movie with the pretense that either you will agree with everything he says or disagree with everyhing he says you will take nothing away from it. He asks some questions that need to be asked, backs them up with questionable logic and data, but that doesn’t make the questions any less valid.

what about his little cartoon about “scared white people” i must admit i did get a good laugh out of it, only because i cant believe sombody would put somthing that rediculous in a “documentary”…its just funny how many people are truly clueless about soo many things.

Well what about it? The legitmacy of the questions asked is not turned into bullshit merely because Michael Moore would rather enteratin the liberal community than present a mutli-dimensional review of the issue.

thats just it, he doesnt present multiple views, only the ones that either support his, or the ones that he finds are weak arguments, to again support his. The major problem with moore is he goes to extreme measures to attempt to prove a point which was not valid in the first pleace. but oh well…im beat, im goin to bed, ill continue with this tomarrow…peace out homes.

Everyone, agree to disagree. With Michael Moore you either like his ideas or you don’t. Plain as that.

Now I wasn’t saying I’m siding with Jeg, or anyone else…to each his own…I’m just angry that stupid people come in and say stupid things that have nothing to do with the topic at hand, just to have SOMETHING to say. It really pisses me off. Ya know?
Although I’m completely contradicting myself now aren’t I?
Ah well.
Bitch pisses me off. Simple as that.

Now continue debating over Michael Moore. That’s what the man wants.
No more, “Ew you can’t spell!” or " Ew you’re an idiot!". Get over yourself and stay on topic.

it’s time for me to kick you in the crotch.

…and time for me to lock this :crap: .