Gold digging bitches....

-Paul McCartney is going through the same shit. Always a prenup no questions asked.

i know some girls like this i hope they all DIAF

damm, thats crazy

Fuck! I knew I forgot something!

Oh wait, I’m going in broke. :tup:

This case was a bit different since this woman was with the guy for so long but there is still bo way a female is entitled to 184 Million dollars. There is no fucking way in hell she was responsible for contributing that.

i would have had her shot

Fuck that shoot the judge that allows this shit.

If you’ve got 450 million and your wife wants 184 million, big deal. You ain’t starving. Now if you make $30,000 a year and your wife wants half, you just might have to kill her!

/Chris Rock

he stole that from eddie murphy raw