Golfer in trouble for pretty amazing shot

I loved this quote too:

“He just kept saying how he didn’t think he could have hit it, which I think is a stupid thing for a PGA Tour golfer to say,” Senger said. “He can put a ball in a hole from hundreds of yards away, and here he is hitting line drives at something that’s, I don’t know, a couple hundred feet away?”

Because we all know a PGA golfer can put a ball in a hole on command from hundreds of yards away which is why hole in ones are so common :roll:

Does this count as an eagle?

Nope, just a falcon.

Wah wah wah waaaaaaaaaa


This one is the best.

Here is another good one…

fucking great!!!

when reading thsi thread I knew someone would post the baseball bird video

let the man pay the fine and apologize and we’ll all live happily ever after


metaphysically speaking

who the fuck cares