Good day for the market

Dow ^ 391
Nasdaq ^ 83
S&P ^ 47

3.19, 3.67 and 3.59% respectively.

More importantly, oil closed at 100.98. might be heading back sub-100.

Even more importantly, gold is down to $882.90 an ounce, after going over $1000 with speculation that it would hit $2000. That’s a good sign for the dollar.

maybe the stocks guys got in on the aprils fools

just saw oil real good

This will do great for my mutual funds. I overslept this morning and didnt see the market news untill it was too late. I am pretty bummed out I ripped myself off of some easy money today.

and today rick rolls are up 50%

Apparently the market likes the new chairman BWLD elected…up 12% today :eek:
thats a quick $840 in a day

My altria is doing pretty good too now that its been split into kraft, philip morris, and the actual altria

^ You have your money in wings. That fuckin rules. :lol:

haha, its up 112% since purchase, was close to 200% about 6 months ago, AND im supporting an industry i approve of.

Stock markets going up = higher mortgage rates for me… i was going to lock in this morning and it jumped a half a point because $$'s were going into the market and away from MBS

LOL that is classic.

at least we all made some money today… well i’m sure not everyone did but most of us i’m sure

Speak for yourself,when that market goes up my silver goes down.:mad:
At least things are looking up for the country which is good.

god knows we need a boost… we have one foot in the door of a very serious recession

I hope noone bought gold when it was over 850$

so, another rally today, or does the market give back some of yesterday’s gains?

Well i put in 6k this morning so naturally it will go down. Sorry guys

So far, everything is down this morning. Probably continued pessimism and profit taking. I don’t see this as any sign of long term recovery.

what did you lose on today?

Post your picks?

Of just what i put into today?
C and UBS just incase there was a two day rally. C is doing well for the time being. My other stuff is doing ok right now.

Just curious you have anything looking good? Anything looking good for the next 6,12,24 months?