Good deal on Vivitar Action Cam for 15 bucks

Figured i would post this for people who want a nice action cam for cheap if they don’t have a gopro

was just at Walgreens and they have a bunch left at 70% off. on French/Bordon

for $14.99 its a good deal. great cam, preview screen/playback ect

I hear they also have Shasta Cola in case you’re also too cheap for Pepsi. Snag me a Shasta Mountain Rush while you’re there.

For $14.99 I’ll grab one just to let the kid play with in the pool.

It might be a huge piece of trash compared to a gopro, but the video quality looks OK, much like my Hero2. A lot of people can’t just go dumping somewhat large sums of cash on what is essentially a toy to record themselves playing with their toys.

$15 bucks. Hell, it’s worth it even if it only lasts a week. I’m sure the technology inside the damn thing is similar, but naturally the go-pro has branded itself to be the leader and thus drive their price point.

Good find. I want one just as a dashcam!

I know a certain somebody who would be very upset you didn’t spend the money on real Mtn Dew…

I tried finding pics of him to post in here, it’s been a bit lol.