Good flash drive encyrption?

Well, I messed up and left a flash drive laying around where some douche was able to format it on me (I know who it was), and copy who knows what from it… including financial info (I’m sure this can be classified as some kind of privacy violation, among etheical since it happened @ work… but I’m not going to go into that right now. Still debating on how I want to handle it).

the fggt even, as far as I can tell, did a low level format on it since I can’t see anything to undelete (unless flash memory works differently than physical memory). So to prevent this from ever happening again, I want to encrypt the drive from prying eyes, malicious “employees” among others.

can you suggest a program? My old geeksquad 1gb drive has the U3 security but prefer the larger space on the PNY. Any ideas?

Fuck everything else…

yeah, I saw that… how do they work? They’re supposed to “self distruct” after so many failed logins (or if it’s tampered with)

I’d like to salvage this one, but I will deffinitly be buying one of those the next time I’m in the market for one

fuck it… I’m buying one. What is the “safe surfing” feature?

It runs Firefox off the jump drive…I think they also offer some SSL proxy feature…unless I am thinking of another company.

i bet with some research you can make any usb drive do this.

i started playing with a secure usb drive that was used as my browser cache and encryption using some free tools but i got busy with other projects and stopped.

fitting avatar!

Take any flash drive, lay a few passes of random data, then either create an encrypted image on the device or encrypt the whole device. seems to be the most popular.

i remember seeing one that had an attachment you would wear or keep on you… and after u stepped out of range, the drive would be unuseable… cant remember where i saw it.

^ awesome :tup:

btw, COD4?

thanks for the help advice people. I guess I’m not the first this has happened to either (just talked with a co-worker)… valuable lesson learned


we use trucrypt…