Drive Encryption

I am doing more and more private work for clients and have been looking into some drive encryption on my laptop and USB hard drive.

What is the best way to go about it? My big risk is someone stealing my laptop and putting the hard drive in another laptop or a live CD in to see the contents of my laptop or plugging my USB drive into another PC if it was taken.

What are the best ways to go about this with the ability to activley write to both drives with Vista and not have to reformat and rebuild a new partition?

Truecrypt is the only thing I would use.

You build a encrypted container, then drop your files into it. No one can access the files…

Don’t keep personal shit someplace someone could steal it? Keep private documents on a private server out in Internet-land.


Should keep most people out with a secure pass phrase.

Cause that’s real smart…

PGP encryption for the win. If someone can crack that, then you have more things to worry about then someone finding your jailbait.

Can truecrypt encrypt my existing drive and data or will it require me to make the partition and then move the files to the new encrypted drive?

full disk encryption. PGP works fine.

dont mess with the container bs.

@boxxa @boardjnky4


If anyone still cares, we use Sophos Enterprise Encryption at work. It’s meh

Saw this shit this morning. WTF, strange stuff.

Are we assuming for now that this is an elaborate hack?

edit: Looks like the Audit team is going to make an announcement later today. I wonder if they’ve been able to make contact with the Truecrypt devs? validated that account (he’s on the Audit Team)

The middle finger to NSA?

Never used it. Haha