Good for you, computer teacher


her mother is jealous, clearly…:rofl

How do you think the daughter feels that her classmate is banging her father :rofl :rofl

She obviously likes his 401k and pension benefits.

would smash?

shes 18 … would smash lol

+1 girl must be smart for her age

This seems to be it… LOL

lol I think most guys would do the same thing in his position

Trading in the old model with high miles for a new one?

In a heartbeat :rofl

there aint no titties like high school titties!

Aaaaaand she left him


The 41-year-old Hooker was arrested Friday on suspicion of sexually abusing a different student more than a decade ago.

After being booked on one count of oral copulation with a minor, he made a brief court appearance where a judge entered a not guilty plea on his behalf.

Guy just can’t get enough of 17 and 18 year olds :lol

lol @ ‘the 41 year old hooker was arrested’

can you blame him? good thing i’m not a highschool teacher

“Oral copulation.” That’s the best term for a blowy I’ve ever heard.

Might have to ask the gf for some oral copulation later just to see the reaction.

you know why its called jail bait??? cause its fucking worth it.


lol hell yes, though not really in this case.

of course we don’t have any pics of the one he actually is in jail for

i’ll hedge a bet its still fucking worth it.

oh come on, its all about looks at that age. and maybe ‘tightness’ lol.

there are no intangables at work here. if its not worth it in a photo, its not worth it.