good luck today Whitey

getting married today. ugh. dumbass :smiley:


my words of wisdom on chads day and he replied the same back to me on my big day-

DONT DO IT!!! haha j/k

have fun man and congrats


run away, don’t go.

but if you do, good luck :beer:

there is still time… head for z hills… good luck man congrats

good luck

woot should be fun! good luck

Good Luck Have Fun

prepare the centerpieces!

have fun, and enjoy every monent, it goes by so fast, you wont believe it. one second your on the alter, then your hugging everyone goodbye at the reception. congrats

Enjoy your day, and enjoy the Riviera Maya!

Best of luck - I’m sure you won’t need it though. Enjoy it and make it a special one for the wifey.

Thanks everyone! Getting ready for a nice run now with the pup. I think I get the easy part of the deal. She has been getting ready for hours now.

Good Luck

GOOD LUCK!!! hope everything goes great and i want to hear some good stories from this one!

Congrats man, all the best to you two.

congrats whitey hope your day goes great

congrats as well whitey, hope everything goes well

Good Luck and Congrats Whitey!!!