Good Morning!

LOL you know what Mike, next time I see you hanging around the shop it’s on like donkey kong! Actually no I take that back you might like that though :? :lol: J/J

LOL Aaron the funny thing is something similar happened, not to long ago, when I was going to this girls house (18) and her dad asked me how old I was and I was like just turned 20 :roll: and I swear my face looked like this guy —> :oops: Shortly after we parted ways. Thinking of it still brings a tear to my eye.

LOL apparently the cops need to know that kind of info and dads :roll:

Anyways how’d this thread become “pick on Andru and his young women” ???

You can thank me later :wink: LOL

Hmmmmm, going back to GMCC for one class isn’t good. lol. All those 18 year olds all over the place. Although, now I’m a picky son of a bitch, and notice everything wrong with every one of them :wink:

Yep, im still a high school bum…wrote social 30 and didnt think it was too bad…now ive got physics 30 tomorrow and part B social on thursday…also wrote math 30 pure…i am soooo ready to be done high school and move on to university…although i hear its frustrating too…oh well…