good prank lol

Explore Doug Roope

one of the better pranks i have seen in a while



i was crying the second he showed the baby powder


i would have gone right to his room and face planted on his pillow and all of his shit. like open a drawer and wiped my face with his t-shirts or something.


wow that is funny as hell i almost cried

LMAO!! hilarious.

Wow. I can’t remember the last time I actually laughed at a video on teh interwebs before this one.

I would have got punched right in the face without a doubt. Funny as hell though.



wow i want to do that to someone now haha

did you do a raw meat in the air vent one time ?

after it was put under my bed fuckin julius:bash:

Man tell that bitch to go powder her nose!! :slight_smile:

my girlfriend always leaves the damn hair dryer plugged into the wall for me to trip on it… Im soo doing this!

that was amazing

i call BS on this one. video to prove it
