need help with car pranks

it was like clockwork…as soon as me and my friends were handed car keys, the stupid/childish driving and drving related activities just had to happend.well alot has happend since then and i got the itch again…
so far ive done verything in the book.
put cars in the pennysaver for very cheap(gave the idea to jam for newmans sti)
tied 40 pound test fishing line to tow hooks, wich was then tied to the most random shit you could think of…random shit was hidden in bushes, behind dumpster and under other cars.
of course saran wrap
peanut butter under door handles
condoms on wipers… and the list goes on
i need ideas

burn it


fill the whole inside with golf balls LOLOLLOL OMG

or burn it i guess

-Throw a pair of panties into another friends car if he is dating/married.
-Vasoline on windshield.
-Letting air out of tires by removing the needle valve with it (more revenge than funny).
-Potato in the tailpipe
-industrial wrap the entire car
-get spare key and move the car around every day

Thats all I can think of for now.

take high test fishing line with a small light weight washer tied to one end and tie the other end to the drive shaft…


puke in his heating vents

fuck thats horrible…

i did confetti once…

i like those alot

oh yeah jay, you know spina? they put molding cheese in his heating vents and he couldnt get rid of the smell and he ended up buying my car hahaha

Tie a big zip tie to something rotating so that he hears a ticking noise when he starts moving. Laugh when he replaces wheel bearings trying to fix it.

fucking spina ahah

Hilarious bumper sticker or magnet- and see how long it takes for them to notice it.

Cover it in post-it notes

I’ve always wanted to do this:

beer pong supplies for life

We took a condom out of it’s package, put some white soap in it, and left it in the backseat of a co-workers car before. Not sure what happened, but we hoped that his wife found it before he did. lol

Thats such BS. How do you not notice your car is FILLED with ping pong balls?

i had a spare key to my friends car once and one night i put a blow up doll in the drivers seat, he went to go to work the next day thought someone was trying to steal his car and called the cops, hilarity ensued

and judging by your avatar, you really like blow-up dolls :lol:

Some of these are pretty good, but could get kinda destructive. Are you just trying a prank on a friend, or someone who has had something coming to them for a while?

It would work especially well in Buffalo when the windows are covered in snow every morning. I have no idea where to buy that many ping pong balls though:)

pour some trans fluid in the exhaust pipe, it puts up a nice white cloud and smells terrible, but make sure you pour it down a tube to get it in there a little further than just at the tip.

the good old tailpipe whistle trick, works best on cars with a smaller exhaust, i have one of these and they are annoying

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