need help with car pranks

Take a shit on his hood… A true Cleavland steamer

I can’t believe no one said this yet… stick on wheel weights FTMFW!

if said vehichle is rwd, stick them to the driveshaft as well, reinforce with superglue

If he’s a non-smoker put a lit cigarette in the ash tray and leave it there

Take a shit on his hood

^ lol

This was a commercial for something…

for normal pranks…

  • jack car up and put jackstands/bricks/etc directly behind the wheels JUST enough to get the wheels off the ground but not be noticeable. Once the get in and start and try and drive; they go NOWHERE.

For semi-destructive/revenge - Deer piss/scent (available in Walmart hunting department) into the HVAC intake vent on the cowl.

remove just the “blade” from his windshield wipers

eeh ive done some of this stuff…
i once drilled a hole in this kids oil pan once because he would stop talking to me ex ex girlfriend…i felt bad about that.

cut the brake lines?

screw a sparkplug into his gas tank and have it hooked upto the starter?


In high school we took 4 dollies and jacked up a teachers car and rolled the thing to the opposite side of the parking lot. No keys needed

Drain the oil


Stand up AIDS infected syringes under his seat.

Shoot them while they’re driving! It’ll be hilarious!

Does he have OnStar? Call them from the car and tell them you are driving around drunk.

Re-wire the tail lights to the horn.

HAHAHAHA. This would be the funniest shit ever!

good idea haha
reminds me of a board members old del sol.the a/f gauge flashed all different colors everytime the horn was honked

did this to a coworker before w/ a customer’s allroad

raise suspension all the way,
block up the control arms as much as possible closest to the wheel
drop suspension all the way

best part was actually letting him drag the big jack down for the service shop THRUOGH THE UNPLOWED LOT to get it off, just to find out i had already raised the suspension and pulled the blocks out

you could do the usual sardins trick