Help with a prank

So one of my employees drives a hummer and always says the cost of gas doesn’t matter to him at all.

(I will re-imburse him for this after we get our laughs)

Every time he’s working I want to syphen?SP? the gas out of the hummer so he runs out of gas as soon as he leaves. He’ll have to know something is up after it happens a few times and we’ll make sure we have pics to hand him after =).

He’s a good guy so he’ll laugh about it after.

…so what do u need help with lol?

Your going to need something large to hold all that gas, Hummer’s have a HUGE gas tank.

if you want you can take the gas out of his hummer and put it in my truck?

Im positive most vehicles now have some kind of baffle preventing anyone from inserting a hose. If not the baffling system in gas tanks are so complex that you will not be able to get most of the gas out. You’ll be lucky if you can get it under a 1/8 full.

You could use the drain in the bottom of the gas tank and let it drain into a pan and then pump it out of that into something. But the whole thing seems like too much of a PITA to me.

I was at costco the other day and they sell portable 7.5 gallon tanks for like $75 or something like that. I know he never fills it so two or three should be fine. Or I could just put it into one of my jeeps=)

And there is a spring loaded door, all you need to do is push it open.

there is more to it than that. most of the time you can get a hose down the filler neck but not really into the tank…

Hes going to get in, its going to start, he’ll see the low reading gauge, and go fill up… unless you work less than 5 miles from a gas station, he’ll see the gauge and go refuel, then be pissed when he wonders where all his gas went…

Do we get to keep the gas?


thats pretty much what I want to happen

I can just picture a pedestrian walking by and calling the cops. I would LOVE to see that interaction caught on video when he pulls up and you’re pulling all of the gas out of his hummer. It’s not like pumping 12+ gallons out of a tank takes only one or two minutes. It takes quite a bit of time…

This is a pretty dumb idea, and illegal.

You can’t siphon fuel out of any late model car. There’s a screen in the filler neck that prevents the hose from getting to the tank to prevent it.

After the hurricanes a couple of years ago we tried doing this to fuel my generator. I tried 6 different vehicles with no luck, including a BMW, a Miata, a Honda Civic, a Nissan Altima, a Chevy van (that one shocked me) and a Caddy.

Forget about the $40. it’s gone.

Found this on another forum

what i said and what you said are not the same thing. :-p

If it is possbile I hope you have a big container since the gas thank on these things is like 35 gallons.

He works for me and we have a good relationship, even if he would out he wouldn’t press charges and other people know about it as well. So shutup with the bad idea stuff.

8 or so drinks before I posted this at happy hour that’s what I wanted to happen when I posted this.

Haha you posted this from happy hour?

I know a couple kids who tried to syphon some gas out of a newer chevy SUV and all that happened was they got super fucked up off of fumes because of some preventative valve that opens if anything solid hits it. It was pretty funny.