Help with a prank

awe, fail :frowning:

Kinda weird, because when my father’s fuel pump on a 99 GMC Suburban died, we used a garden hose and the whole suck on the hose w/ mouth method to siphon gas.
He just filled it up w/ 40 gals right before it died… meh.

but its a 99, i dont know if thats newer or not ;p

put a locking gas cap on it and hide the key in his truck.

Hahahahahhaha hopefully he is someone who waits till the last possible minute to fill up

that valve you guys are talking about is simply a plastic ball. just take a metal rod or long screw driver and just push on it and itll pop down into the tank. all it does is help keep it from spilling all over if you over fill. then you can shove the hose down in there.

any GM truck made after 1998 has a screen on the bottom of the fuel filler neck to prevent gas theft.

even if u drain the gas out of the tank, the hummer will be able to get a couple miles b4 it dies

Why not do the opposite and add a 2 gallons everytime, so it looks like he is getting ridiculous gas mileage to rub it in your face.

Then you just stop lol and watch him flip about shitty mileage

LMAO. Much more friendly than my idea. Cut the gas line entirely. :stuck_out_tongue: J/K


if it has rubber fuel lines put a pair of vise grips on it. then he will stop pretty quick… LOL

Prank fail…

I used to own a 2005 H2, it’s got a 32 gallon tank…that’d take a LONG time to drain, if even possible. But if the kid’s smart he’ll have the locking gas door to prevent tree-huggers from messing with the tank.

yeah I was with his old boss and somehow the idea came up.

As said before I know he never completely fills it, the last time he drove when we went out he put $20 in it.

haha this one seems way cheaper and easier to do…

someone told me this one not sure if it would work for you or not… but you buy a few little bouncy balls and throw them in the gas tank
thay should just float around until he starts driving and needs to step on the gas … thus creating the vaccum towards the pump sucking one of the balls over and clogging it causing the car to stall out… then once it does the ball floats away and you can restart it… its a never ending stallout cycle lol … not sure if it would work but the thought of it alone cracks me up

^ i dont see them fitting down the filler neck, secondly, if god forbid they stuck in the fuel system, i could see serious damage resulting… probably not the best course of action

never said it was the best idea just one that i find pretty funny though…

def something to try if you didnt like the person … cuz its gonna be a pain to get the tank cleared out

Two gallons in a hummer gets you what? 100 feet of driving?

I was avg’ing 12-14 depending how I drove when I had one FYI. My GC only gets 16 on a good day they honestly aren’t much worse. Now if you beat the fuck out it on the other hand good luck…

isnt there a bolt on the bottom of some gas tanks?

^^ I have no idea