Funniest Story Ever...

And more proof that Darwin will destroy FL soon


i kept waiting for some punchline or something funny, but there wasn’t one.

read it again you missed it

still missing it.


i kept waiting for some punchline or something funny, but there wasn’t one.


+1 Man drives away with pump nozzle in truck, ripping it off. Man sheepishly returns nozzle and hose.

Anything else?

things that would have helped this story

air horn
neck brace
puffy dog

ERROR 404: No funny found…

yeah I fail to see where the ‘niest’ and ‘ever’ come into play

too bad they did not charge him for the 1/2 gallon or whatever was in that line as it broke, and 12’ of fuel line, and labor for the install.

i guess thats funny… that it will not cost him anything
for being an idiot?

I was expecting something that could only happen in Florida. Besides this is why most gas pumps have a release mechanism to prevent damage to the pump.

Something like this.