Gas leak?

Hey guys,

It seems when i am putting gas in my tank it is leaking. Not a crazy amount, but enough to notice. Normally I just fill it slower and it will drip out and not pour out. Once I am done filling, there is no leak so its obviously not my tank. Its not effecting my MPG really either. Any ideas of what it could be? Thanks.

filler neck. is this a vw? lol.

hole in the filler hose?

What kind of car is this?

you have a gas leak and it does not change the MPG?? really

do you smell gas and not only when outting it in?

does it leak more once you turn it off and park

lines,tank,fuel filter,andfiller neck.Figure out which on it is

can we talk about how this does not change you MGP? i kinda wana know

It’s not hurting is MPG because it’s leaking while being filled. Probably less than a dime’s worth of gas but even that is enough to really smell.

My money is on the filler neck. Could be any of the things nitro posted. The filler neck for my wife’s old Geo was something like $70 from the dealer and took me about 20 minutes to replace with just basic tools.

in theory he is losing gas then he is not getting the same amount of used gas per tank because you are losing the fuel.

so lets try a Citronella Oil Candle under the car while filling it?

It just really depends how you look at it.

This is how your looking at it.

I put 16 gallons in my 15 gallon tank because a gallon leaked out during fillup. I’ll calculate my mpg based on 16 eventhough I’m starting with 15 still.

I agree with JayS on this one. It’s more of a wasting money issue than a mpg issue if anything.

I would question why it is not throwing an EVAP code?

i agree too

because everyone in the world ignores the check engine light

and it seems to be a 1995.

Have you ever seen what a gallon of gas spilled looks like? It’s a HUGE mess. I doubt he spilling more than a shot glass full per fillup, which is why I said it wasn’t really affecting his MPG, even counting the gas he spilled as gas he used.

UGH Yes I know what a gallon of gas spilled looks like. I figured it was easier to use nice round numbers in my example instead of putting 15 gals vs 15.01 gals. So if he dumped a gallon or two on the ground while filling up you would say thats affecting mpg? I don’t but it really depends on how you look at it like I said before.

The check engine light is not on. It does not leak anywhere near a gallon of gas. I only smell gas when im filling it up because thats the only time it leaks. The car is a 1995 grand prix. Once im done putting in my 20 bucks or whatever, there is no leak. So that is why im convinced its not the tank or a line. Im not very good with cars, but it seems the majority of you think its a filler hose. So would the filler hose be the piece that connects the gas door to the tank?


Yep, that’s the filler tube. But really you need to find out where it’s leaking before you start replacing stuff. Crawl under it right after you fill up and see if you can see the leak. You might end up having to take it apart some so it may be easier to fill a 5 gallon gas can and use that to fill the car at home while you have it apart looking for the leak.

Or just PM Carnut and have him fix it. :slight_smile:

if you dont know what you are doing DO NOT TRY TO FIX IT… PM carnut or call someplace