Great prank for a car junkie... or even a regular person with a new car

ok, so do you know someone with a new car or hotrod and want to pull one over on them? Go to walmart/napa/whatever and buy a quart of cheapo motor oil.

Wait for person to leave their car unsupervised and proceed to pour a small amount of oil on the blacktop under the front of their car. When they get back, tell them you noticed oil leaking from under the car.

Watch them flip out, bitch out the dealership and then call AAA before breaking the news to them. Be prepared to run

just got yelled at

A gallon jug of used oil works better, especially becuase you can tell them dude, theres a TON of oil leaking from your car.

Im gonna do this to a guy at work who babies his white G35.

haha. I’d feel bad when they freaked on the dealership and tried to take the car back making themselves look retarded.

Who did you do this to?

lol a friend

I’m going to pour the oil all over woodys rx8 and tell him it was leaking from the antenna…

There was one guy at work that was going crazy about how well of the gas mileage he was getting with his truck. So he said he was going to try to use a different gas to see if he can improve it a little bit. He’s a douchebag and no one really liked him

He comes in parks his truck, another person would go out and add 2 or 3 gallons to his tank, so it looks like he is getting really good mileage and its an increase that its not that noticeable unless he marked lines on his fuel guage. who honestly would do that lol.

So he starts filling up at his new place saying his is getting +10 more mpg at this place, tells everyone that this new gas is the most ridiculous gas ever. So after a month of this they stop putting the gas in his truck. The next week comes around saying that he must have been driving differently, so the week after that he drives more conservatively and fills up and still bad gas mileage compared to what he was getting.

Well he goes absolutely APE SHIT completely freaking out that his gas mileage sucks now. Calls the dealer… mother F’s them up a storm… and is really fucking touchy on the subject so he rip on him about it, and he gets super bent out of shape about it still.

No one ever told him about what really happened, so we bring it up from time to time and listen to him bitch… its agreat time lol

We used to take the oil guns @ the dealership and put some oil on the ground in someones bay with a few drips leading out of the bay and tell them that you think they left something loose on the car they just worked on. It’s fun to see people go running to get the car back before the customer gets it.


thats awesome

:lol: that’s fucking great (ilc & boomin)