Good site for turbos?

I am looking for a garret T3 super 60 turbo. Anyone know of some good sites that have a good deal on them. Ive found them as low as 650 i think, anything better then that (that isnt a total peice of trash)?

And while im talking about turbochargers, anyone around here able to make me a tubular manifold for my car?


… what do you think im doing?
thats who built mine
stage 3 cheetah turbonetics 60-1 series
super .62 exhaust housing ported.

jay at hybridynamics makes manifolds

turdteg has one!!!

i know we’re selling pte and turbonetics now but i’m not sure what we’re selling the t3 series pte’s i know the dsm ones are 825

thanks guys, im just looking for places that people have used before so i dont get burnt on a deal or something over the net. their selling the Super 60 for 675