Goodbye S2000

Took these today… no scenery and a 5 year old pos Canon… the new owner picked her up this afternoon so I snapped some quick pics as I was getting out of work for good times sake:

This car has been a blast to own. If you are debating getting an S2000 go buy one. Then boost it. You will not be dissapointed.


What’s the replacement?

so now can you tell what was done to it ? :slight_smile:

Everyone knows its supercharged man. :stuck_out_tongue:
Debating on a replacement. Seems like more and more people are getting into high end stuff BMWs MBs Porsches. I might just have to pick up another Honda. :wink:

forgot one buttercup :wink:

wish i woulda bought this :frowning:
now im more mad that the kid supposed to buy my evo was a cheap pos

:frowning: wellllll cant wait to see whats next.

sad to see it go

THat car was crazy fast. Good times.

Hector just picked one up. lol

i thought you were mr “stopping fast is just as good as accelerating fast.”

Awesome car man, looking forward to seeing what you get next…

at least today is nice enough you can get one more drive in. I would be sorry to see it go as well