Google 1GB internet connections

1Gb to the home is nice but im not sure who has the network to support something like this.

100Gb Ethernet is around the corner but most ISP networks don’t even run that yet.

Email scanning is nothing new, it’s done by every mailbox provider and most likely internally at your job. Scans for keywords, email addresses, strings of text, etc. are used to filter out spam and so on.

So what kind of ads will you get if you start sending emails with random combinations of al qaida bomb airport osama mohammad jihad allah plane etc?

Rumor has it that our mayor (Elmira) is submitting a proposal to get the google service in our area. They are using Corning Inc. as basically a reason since they manufacture the fiber optic line. Who knows it could happen…

I’m still interested to know what equipment they would be using and how the plan on actually making money on this.

Construction costs are huge

Hardware costs to aggregate and manage Gig fiber are huge

Would be a fantastic reason for them to qualify. I hope they get it. Meanwhile I would just settle for fios :frowning:

I wonder if google plans on using it for tv eventually.

Google has a lot of capital saved up to fund the initial rollout and will be around 10 years from now to reap the profits. Plus I bet you will see a lot of their project fiber subsidized for local uses to companies and governments that didn’t have the ability or funding to roll out their own fiber.

Could they possibly be renting fiber from verizon in some cases?

Vote Obama ads probably.

From what I have seen on it, they are running their own and want to be compared to Verizon. From what I have read and heard from some guys who do a lot of dark fiber work, Verizon is very hard to get to lease their fiber in most places.

Verizon has to open up copper to outside companies but not fiber yet.

Google isn’t doing this to make money at all…

global domination bitch

Google’s network will come alive and rape your wives/daughters before you know it.

Most people petition congress about net neutrality… Google just builds its own fiber network.

im sure they have thought of the potential content and service delivery options.

im sure they have thought of the potential content and service delivery options.

Whatever they sell I will buy. Most of what they do is great anyway. If they can be a cable and internet service provider they will definitely change the game a bit.

They just strike me as branching out into so many areas, they can’t possibly be good at all of them. I know it comes from the free time they give employees for their pet projects, but there’s something to be said for recognizing core competencies.

Have they had one of their side branches fail yet? It seems like anything Google puts its name on turns to gold.

Also, FCC made an intresting news release today too in this topic: Giving 100 mb links to the home is easy… building the network to support it is the complex part.

chrome was :tif: