Google Chrome help

Lately my animated gifs aren’t working. Specifically if I go to our funny pics thread none of the animated gifs are animated until I right click on one and choose open in new tab. When I go to the new tab it will be animated and then when I switch back to the main thread tab all the other gifs will have magically started playing.

WTF Google? Tried pausing AdBlock, tried uninstalling and reinstall Chrome… nothing. Couldn’t find much discussion about this happening to other users.

EDIT: Update: Realized I don’t have to open the gif in a new tab to get it to work. Simply get the gif on screen, go to any other tab, then when I come back to the tab with the animated gif it has started working.

Not just nyspeed either. I’ve seen this on thechive and failblog as well.

same problem here but noticed if i scroll past the gif a little it starts animating in most cases but not all

While I like Chrome for the most part, it’s buggy. I use Firefox.

I was a huge firefox fan, but got tired of seeing “firefox has updates to install, please wait” every other day.

never used chrome, satisfied with FF

Wow, that sounded EXACTLY like my issue except changing that setting from default to disabled or enabled didn’t change a thing.

It’s a feature not a bug

Same issue with me.

I switched to Chrome from Windows Explorer at the behest of one of the computer nerds on here. So far, my computer seems to like it much better. As far as Firefox, I’d rather think of the Clint Eastwood version.

Yea using Internet Explorer is a horrible idea btw :slight_smile:

I also have an issue with Chrome and the Apple support site ( I just get the rotating progress icon but nothing ever loads…works fine in IE.


n/m…now it works. Wasn’t working for the life of me before vacation.