what internet browser are you using?

i just updated to windows 7 64bit and was having trouble with my display drivers going unresponsive while viewing pages of large amounts of high res pictures with internet explorer. i just switched to safari (mac) and have not had an issue yet (crosses fingers).

just wanted to see what everyone else is using out there and any criticisms you may have, good or bad :thumbup



chrome alll the way!

Firefox ftw.


werd i had firefox on my old laptop but i just tried it on this one and it was giving me the same problems as IE :wtf


safari for the giraffe

Guys with hot girls in their sigs, use Chrome.

wild animals use safari

Wild animals get shot.

Then eaten.

fuck off


^shes sooooo hotttttt


IE, because unlike most uneducated black people, it works and doesn’t give me any lip.


:rofl +rep
