Fire Fox Vs. IE?

whats the pro’s and cons of both? i was thinking of getting rid of IE and making the switch but i was just wondering why?

and Mozilla is fire fox right?

Yeah ^^^ :gotme: they both work the same on my computer. Foxfire seems to have more options

FireFox FTW

No popups… Less vulnerabilities… Tabbed Browsing…

If IE has these, then :gotme: .

Firefox isnt all that great anymore like when it first came out,popups are more frequent with it.No,I dont have any spyware and yes FF is fully updated.

Tabbed browsing and LESS popups than IE is what keeps me coming back :tup:

:gotme: i use IE and have no popups:) my video card blocks them GeForce3 Ti 500:)

Firefox is more standards compliant than IE, and is generally much more secure

It also is nice because it is open source, there are thousands of useful extensions and plugins available. Not to mention some sweet skins.

It does not support ActiveX which is one of the major causes of security issues in IE, which may come at a slight expense of convenience, where WMV’s wont play sometimes. I got around this by installing an extension where I can right click on any page and press a button called “Open page in IE”, and then I can view the video.

There are many other reasons I use it, but those are the main reasons.

microsoft is horrible, like browsing the web with swiss cheese, got holes everywhere and is asking for problems

You are the first web developer I’ve heard that doesn’t piss and moan about making a site work in browsers other than IE. All the people I used to work with used to bitch about cascading style sheets, blah blah blah… I was the first one to laugh at them when they ended up with shit like “CoolWebSearch”. And yet they still didn’t listen. :lol:

While I think Firefox is a great browser, I think Opera is even better… And now Opera is almost completely free. (As in there are no advertisements but the source code isn’t open) However, I do on occassion run into problems with a few websites where I need to use Firefox for the website in order for it to work properly.

If you are looking to ditch IE, then definately check out Firefox AND Opera, and see which you like more.

edit: and the reason most web developers complain about CSS is because IE doesn’t support CSS2, and they don’t even plan on supporting it in IE7… Most likely to break support in all other browsers… Most web sites that are 100% written to standards (which are few and far in between) will look like shit in IE. Please excuse any grammar issues, I’ve been drinking

I am not a web developer, rather a web designer… but I work with front-end, or “designer” languages, such as xHTML, CSS, etc.

Most “developers” hate testing or developing in FF for two simple reasons… They write bad code, and they are ignorant.

I know countless developers that do not understand standards, do not understand the benefits of semantic markup, do not understand how to correctly write front-end code. They are sloppy, they like to “code-fork” (we’ll just write different versions for each browser, or create javascript hacks!!!), and its all unnecessary, counter-efficient, and pretty much stupid.

IE will let you get away with so much bad code, and incorrectly supports so many things (luckily many of these are being fixed in IE7). Honestly with correct markup, you will write most of your hacks for IE!!! Almost everything we write works immediately in Firefox.

A few other things to consider is that Firefox has already captured between 6-15% of your users, depending on your market, and there are tons of invaluable developer extensions out there for firefox, that make developing and testing much easier.

firefox is way sweeter than ie. but sometimes videos don’t open, and i find it easier to open them with ie, then to download whatever it wants you to download to work. plus you can open .txt documents with ie, and not firefox. but on the other hand, you don’t get obnoxious popups.

Ie works just fine if you aren’t a dumbass with sites.

I’ve always used it and I have never been infected.

and you also drive a dsm, so you are already used to things that never really worked right, and break all the time!! :lol:

I :heart: my firefox

While I think Firefox is a great browser, I think Opera is even better…

there was an article a while back forget where it was but yeah opera is the shit, most secure browser and its free.

i use ie…

we’ve discussed this before, my vote is for MY-IE2, i hate how firefox needs a plugin installed for anything, and i have tons of webapps that dont work with firefox (Like outlook web access) :tdown:



IE is highly supported… and easy to use. And basically available everywhere… so if you go to a friends house to view porn on his high speed connection, you know exactly how to do it.

You coming over tonight :naughty: :lol: