Internet Exploder *Rant

Im sorry, internet explorer, hands down is the worst browser of all time. Why am I saying this, you ask? Internet Explorer, understands sh*t code.

IE is meant for coders that do not know how to code basicly.

i agree…i just put FireFox back on cuz IE was being retarded for me and certain shit wouldnt load right

Its not IE’s problem that standards can never be set. XML, CSS, even HTML has had some many quirks in it for years. Its hard to build a browser to understand each aspect of code that could be used. Get used to it, IE is the most popular browser hands down and probably will never be topped.

IE is popular because it comes with windows…more users have IE simply because of that but that doesn’t make it a better browser.

show me where i said “better” browser. /yourself with your bs reviews

65.22% of the users that visit pittspeed use IE. Get used to programming to IE’s standards.

i would have been talking directly to you if i used “^^^” or if i quoted what you said i was simply stating what i believe. and Cnet is hardly a bs review.
People are already used to programming based on IE standards…why do you think majority of the web exploits are targeting IE users.

hahahaha…I always love threads where there is a battle of the computer nerds…hahha:rolleyes:

anyways my $.02 even though it is worth less than $.02 considering I don’t know shit about computers…is Explorer is a joke…nothing b ut problems…I switched to firefox and never had a problem at all

hahahaha…I always love threads where there is a battle of the computer nerds…hahha


hahahaha…I always love threads where xlogic pretends he knows more than the other computer nerds and then gets called on it…hahha

I can’t stand IE either. It always seems to go much slower than FireFox no matter what computer I am on. I also don’t like it’s default toolbar layouts and tabs. The only time I use it is when I need to go on PennDOTs site for work because they require it.

I think most people use IE is obviously because it comes on the computer in the first place. If given a choice from the beginning, I think a lot less people would use it. Also, once they are using it - they think 'why switch if it works?"

+1 nerd post I guess

Lynx is the best.

^^^:gives lol

never had a problem with IE… but i would say firefox is better

um sry i don’t pretend i know more than everyone, just because i could run circles around u mr. dumass doesn’t mean u gotta come in and cry

Yeah, IE sux. However, if you’re going to code, you’ve got to code for it, since it’s the most prevalent.

yeah everybody knows what IE is because that’s the only one they know it might be the most popular hands down but Firefox is the best hands down. MF did things IE never thought of before. IE felt threatened and copied somethings MF did but MF still works faster and better than IE.


um sry i don’t pretend i know more than everyone, just because i could run circles around u mr. dumass doesn’t mean u gotta come in and cry

What’s your position again? Aren’t you desktop support or something? Do you even know what I do? :tounge:

i could care less what you do :blue: your life and the events in it are of no concern to me…in other words…jump off a bridge and i won’t even give two seconds worth of thought to how dumb you were for doing it. let me guess…you look at porn all day and fix your neighbors computers…thats not a real job

You made a stupid assumption (again)…which is par for the course from you:

um sry i don’t pretend i know more than everyone, just because i could run circles around u mr. dumass doesn’t mean u gotta come in and cry

In light of this stupid assumption, I thought you might be curious to know what I do for a living. You probably don’t care- just keep pretending to be super leet because you have Linux on your home PC and know how to “configure” Best Buy firewalls, okay? Don’t let me rain on your parade.

sorry but i don’t buy any “pre built” firewalls…especially from best lie, and sry i don’t think i’m leet…i just know what i know :wink: