Firefox: Double your Internet Speed

An old trick I thought I would post.

Essentially, you can make Firefox work a great deal faster with this.

Here is a simple one minute video with the steps.

Linky no worky

But if this is the “trick” i’m thinking of it increases the amount of load put on a server by horrendous amounts…doesn’t make people like whitey & other website owners too happy

Thanks I fixed it. As far as server load. Yes this is the fix you are thinking of. But unless you’re still running a website on a 486(dx2 even) with 16 megs of ram the load increase shouldn’t be a factor. However if you are worried about it set the maxrequests to 8. 30 is overkill.

Have you tried the “fasterfox” plug in for firefox yet?

sounds interesting, elaborate?

^^^thanks, loading it now.

welcome to 5 years ago. That has been around for a long time and you can do the same thing with IE in the registry.



If you talking about how IE can understand garbage language then yes. And how it interprets code wrong then your also correct.

and how 10/10 websites work with IE and only 7/10 work with firefox.
and copied or not, the tabbed browsing in IE is every bit as good as firefox.

so yea, if you want a browser that will actually open up the webpages, go with IE.

Welcome to 5 years ago.

I can’t remember the last time I used IE. There was a time when 1 out of 10 sites wouldn’t open in FF, but that hasn’t happened to me in 2007, maybe not even in 2006.

I just use the IE TAB add-on for firefox. When a site doesnt work just add it to the IE tab and its all good.

I never have a problem with Firefox. Loads faster than IE7 and isn’t nearly as gaudy looking.

Tabbed browsing has been around for years. It took IE up until 2007 to implement?

hp csn doesn’t work with firefox and numerous other sites that I use for my job.

As far as browsing around myspace and such, I am sure firefox is fine. But I cannot use it for work, so I don’t use it anytime.

ie>firefox :smiley:

my IE runs just as fast as firefox

congrats to mozilla for using firefox before IE, :cookie:
tabs in IE are just as good as tabs in firefox

Some of the stuff I log into for work actually gave me security errors in IE, it would work, just gave me a bunch of warnings/errors, but was flawless in Firefox.

I guess we’re in similar situations, but each with a different browser.

this thread sucks…

  1. this info is 9 years old… thanks for hte trip down memory lane
  2. the argument over firefox and ie is dumb… firefox is opensource so the apis for all the awesome-o blogs and junk ass feeds can be written into the browser so that it can interpret it… big deal…

these are still headered browsers and are still just mediums for veiwing teh intarweb… who honestly cares… firefox’s delay and inability to pass unc paths is teh lose

Tabbed browsing is slower in IE compared to firefox, user agent switcher or the IE tab add-on fix this 7/10 problem you speak of. Firefox>IE

IE opens more sites because web designers and programmers create their sites around the fact that IE holds the largest share of the market.

They purposely interpret code differently so that it won’t display correctly on other browsers. This discourages people from using Firefox, Safari etc…

The World Wide Web Consortium sets standards and M$ does what they can to put their spin on things.

