Switched Browsers

I can’t believe how insanely fast Firefox is compared to Opera.

Is there a legit reason for this, or was my opera fucked up?

Firefox > *

and there are other tricks you can do to make it a lot faster.

i just switched to firefox…i like it. i dont get viruses every fuckin day now.

I use firefox at work, and it is pretty good… i personally really like Avant… its blocks all popups and still lets the popups come up that you want to come up (like email log-in)… i’d suggest it… its awesome… and very fast

so does Firefox. Extensions > *

I know it does… i’m just stating my opinion… i really like Avant… it would be my #1 suggestion… but no doubt, mozilla is very nice also

I love firefox. I installed in my classroom and I am going to give a lesson about it and why it’s better over other browsers. First I have to explain what a browser is… ha ha

I like Firefox too. I had opera for a bit, but I only had to use it for my localhost while we were on dialup at work. :slight_smile:

does firefox have tabbed windows?

i’ve been using netscape for a while now & don’t think i can switch to a borwser without tabbed wondows.

maxthon is a good browser.

it’s nothing to argue over… they are all made to display websites and all do the job.

Firefox does have tabbed windows. You can either specify to open a link in a new tab, or a new window. Mine default to new windows, but there may be a setting to specify.

scroll button to open a new tab = best browser feature ever.

firefox was written by a teenager… thats why its so great. the kid is amazing

my only complaint with firefox is that it does not work well with all web sites, especially those with CSS

having to switch to IE to open a few pages I use for work is annoying as fuck.


firefox meh

Firefox was written by some of the guys who wrote Netscape, so a lot of the features are similer.

yes and no, netscape is a company not a browser. Firefox roots come from Mozilla. AOL started an initiative to develop a free browser and thats where firefox came about. they took bits and pieces of the original mozilla code to create firefox

is there any settings in there to force all links to be in another tab? I hate how it opens up more browser windows(like IE) and I looked around for a while to find if there was a setting. Never found it.

Rightclicking is to much work. :hs:

maxthon owns in that dept, the only thing i like about firefox is some of the plugins… like the unlinker… that is clutch!

lol diesel kubota? my friend’s kubota does wheelies :hsdance: