Better browser, firefox or safari?

i have used firefox forever, but what do you think about safari?

I personally use firefox because of all the add-ons. I don’t think Safari has that add-on capability.

I also feel safari is ugly, as much as aesthetics shouldn’t matter its nice to have something that lightens your day instead of wanting to barf when you see the interface.

It really boils down to you. What do you expect from a browser, and what are you looking for improvements from firefox?

Are you serious?

Firefox all the way

are you using it on mac or pc?


Never even touched Safari except to get Firefox, then once Firefox was on I uninstalled Safarai.

I use safari, basically only because it loads pages faster. I was using camino for a while, which is fast too, but very buggy(which is unsettling). This is all on a Mac btw.

firefox by a mile, but sometimes I need to switch to safari for a poorly written webpage.



Backed by tons of evidence to support this claim too


you dont need to support a claim when you know everything

:lol: best avatar evar

Camino and safari? What kind of Kansas City faggot uses those?

Firefox is the only browser I’ve been able to setup that can handle my obsessive need for browsing 25 tabs at once. It’s either the ADD or the autism, or the combination that makes me really obsessive on stupid shit…Oooo shiny…wait what?

Opera? Anyone? I actually kind of like it.

^ I <3 Opera, but unfortunately it’s kind of buggy at times

it’s a cool browser though, it brought a lot of innovation over the years

speed > features




I love Opera’s Speed Dial, but its tab handling blows.

I mean do tiny technical differences really matter? Its a measure of miliseconds, so shouldn’t features matter?