What internet browser do YOU use?

What the title says: What internet browser do YOU use?

I’ve used Mozilla religiously for a year or two now… spyware-adware prevention was the primary reason-- until I’ve found the GEM of Mozilla recently… TABS!!!

All the internet sites that I frequent are bookmarked up top, below the address bar. And whenever I startup Mozilla, from my Mac-esque interface, all my sites are pre-loaded!

An extent ion for Mozilla, AdBlockPlus, prevents pretty much all popups, and annoying banners on sights such as YouYube… I’M AN INTERNET BROWSING MACHINE!!!111!!! :stuck_out_tongue:


ur sayin watever mac losers use…yet ur try to make ur desktop look like the macs…mac wannnabbee!!!

ya safari!!

Don’t want any compatibility issues with programs that 90% of the world uses!:R

I like cleanliness… in everything in my life… though my desktop can use a Molly Maid right about now!:smiley:

Clearly the gem of FireFox is AdBlock. tabs i would say is a relatively close second. But AdBlock is where it’s at.

I use Firefox exclusively at home (except when i check my hotmail via msn, stupid thing ALWAYS uses IE), and i use both for work (FF for personal surfing, IE for work).

edit, oh yea, if you have a bunch of sites that you visit all the time, what you can do is make a bookmark folder in your toolbar, dump all the bookmarks into that folder, and then right click and choose “open all in tabs” to get all your tabs at once.

^^ same as jason here

theres still lots out there for macs…plus not only u get all those progs. …u get all those viruses as well!

Unless you’re some p0rn-freak, horny 100% of the time, you’ll have no problems with viruses. I’ve had a few, but none that were detrimental to my system. Common-sense is the best defense against viruses… teamed with Norton’s Systemworks (mainly their one-button checkup), my computer runs like I just reformatted for 3 years and counting…

My system has never been down due to viruses, rather it’s these god-forsaken Seagate HD’s that have killed me… 2-250gb’s down in these past 2 months…:mad:

not true…u get viruses other ways aswell…my old comp got fried because of them before…then another comp of mine got totally messed from them too…also the problem of hackers…what kind of comps do u think they used, and wat programs do u think they are familiar with…windows…seagate hd’s?

Meh, I got my own personal computer Techie (cousin) that does all my upgrading/recovery. Both were down because of ‘defective hardware’… both started clicking 2 weeks into their stint.

I’m not a computer guru, but he is, and I standby the dude that does this for a living.:wink:

I use firefox (like any other normal human being should heh)

dont be hatin on the safari users!..we’re wild…rarr haha

Mozzilla is the shiznet!!!

firefox its my poison of choice…

Mozilla all the way. That is until i get an error, then i switch to IE.


this site shows you how to change Firefox settings to speed it up.
and lots of extensions too

hmm i want thos top buttons lol how you get that? and yeh ive always used firefox.

Biggest plus of Firefox, you can change out of the FCC’s, early 90’s dialup, mandated speed/access limitations… with a few quick key strokes. Books have been written on hacks for this and many other base code ‘mods’ … websites have proven ‘setups’ listed …

IE, dying a slow death in a NH3 bath.

Mozilla FTW!!!

wth is opera…ive nvr heard about …or seen it

IE explorer is horrible tho so it netscape etc… they suck. firefox is the only one, and most people using it now, most fo the people who dont use firefox is cause they dont knwo about it. or just to lazy to.