nice find
thats a good price. did anyone see the model number?
haha, good stuff.
im poor i got a pc!
Mac FTW!
macs suck…almost all of my budies at school regretted getting one
Shut up, graphic designer.
alot of people dont know that you can do alot better work on a pc then a mac, The guy said it, its more cosmetics and less actual computing. My ex gf had a mac book air i couldnt stand the thing. Doesnt come with a hard drive and you have to buy it on top of that wtf is that. Pc all the way
you guys a f&*@#d mac are the shit graphic designers best friend and you can buy a package so you can use word perfect on a mac
Lol don’t talk to me a bout graphic design preference. I started out 6 years ago on a PC as a first time designer. I can still work my way around a PC better than 80% of the people using them, however using a Mac just makes my job so much easier. All my programs run smoother on my Macbook Pro, all my short cuts, quick keys, and basically everything that gets the job done quicker and better is just flawless with my Mac. Don’t get me wrong a PC is an ultimate machine, I just feel for simplicity and professionalism my Mac does better justice. Not to mention my stupid entire program for school is Mac based, but I wouldn’t take that as a decision chooser for someone.
PC has its pros and cons, but so do Mac.
Kollo, dude…PLEASEEEEEEEE use at least some punctuation! Even that small sentence gives me a headache. I’m not perfect but my paragraphs are legible, lol sorry dude.
omg I saw this on TV and was like, isn’t that a hatch.
people who dont own a mac wish they had one:p
in my profession i am forced to use windows for some specific softwares, so i jst downloaded vmware fusion on my mac and now i have the best of both worlds.
please dont start hating on pc’s or macs…its all about personal preference!!
both operating systems have their own strengths and weaknesses.
you can run mac osx on a pc if u want, or there are plenty of native pc stuff - adobe cs4. I used final cut pro for editing videos and adobe after effects on a mac pro at work (not macbook pro (macbook is crap, get a netbook instead)), for laptop i use a dell xps with osx dual boot and final cut pro, though i tend to use adobe premier pro and after effects more often. am i glad i didnt get a macbook pro which does far less for the same cash. adobe cs4 has pretty much everything u need for graphics design and video editing, for animation use maya, all of which run natively on a pc, so why do u need an underpowered overpriced mac which just looks good. i see most people running windows on a mac anyway and even if they use a mac they just stick with the bundled software which are pretty basic anyway, and worst of all MACS ARE CRAP FOR GAMING.
That’s a very narrow minded view seeing as how your basing it upon programs more than the actual hardware it self. Apple offers just as much if not more in aftermarket and home support for both video editing and graphic design. Why do you think 95% of the professional Graphic Design firms use a MAC only. Look at all the professional print shops like Atley, they’re MAC only, however they accept PDF formatted files.
The PC is just as strong obviously, but saying that a macbook is crap and you should get a notebook does no justice. CS4 is offered on a MAC and unless you spend $3000+ on a PC you’ll never be able to get it to run as smooth as you would on a MAC. I’ve built many custom PC’s and I’ve worked at Best Buy for the past year and a half as a Computer Specialist, so I can tell you first hand that currently in this day in age, buying a pre-built PC is now cheaper than building one with the same specs. Even at that point expect to pay $3000 for a LAPTOP with just about par specs as the new Macbook Pro’s, which now cost roughly $2300.
Software should never be an issue seeing as how almost all professional and commonly used programs are dual compatible. Not to mention the ease of running a windows based partition on a MAC. I have XP on a separate partition on my Macbook and it runs XP far better than my actual XPS desktop. I only use it for 1 specific program called NewsBin, which is a newsreader that I’ve yet to find a program I like for mac.
MAC and PC both have their pros and cons, is how you look at each and what you do, will determine your choice. Any company who’s been in the media field for over 5 years and have been successful will argue their brains out that MAC is the only way to go. Prove they’re not successful and than they may consider a PC.
lol at the deep debate :o
Adobe Photoshop is the industry standard. It started with the Mac and grew its fan base from there.
The PC version didn’t come out till '92 (4-yrs after initial Mac release). If the PC version had been the first it’d be a whole different ball game.
Tell me one thing the Mac version has that the PC doesn’t? Besides the key short-cuts? You can do everything you can on the PC version you can on the Mac.
3D/architectural is a big market too; Where’s the Mac love there?
I still haven’t been convinced why some companies need their gfx dept using Macs if the same software is available on PCs with less cost for hardware and support (assuming rest of company is all PC based).
I stumbled upon this a while ago which outlined some key things for me in my field. It’s a basic summary as to why.
Key reads are, “Graphics, Color and Type”, and “Ease of Use”. I’m not saying MAC is the BEST thing to use, I’m overly familiar with both and I’d still prefer my MAC over my well ranked PC.
EDIT: Just like to add that Photoshop is actually the 3rd most used Adobe program in graphic design. Illustrator and InDesign are used heavily when dealing with Print, over Photoshop.
Graphics, Color and Type
The handling of graphics, color and type is a significant portion of a graphic designer’s job.
Because of Apple’s long history of being the “designer’s computer,” they have focused on improving
their handling of colors and fonts, especially when going from screen and file to print.
If you had to choose between a Mac and a PC on this factor alone, Apple has the edge. However,
the same results can be achieved on a PC. For web design, neither wins out, though be sure to have
access to both operating systems to test your sites across all platforms.
WTF, That’ slike saying “Car A is faster so it wins, but Car B is just as fast too.” :ugh:
I was about to give props to Mac for their superior support for colour but why if the PC can as well.
Ease of Use
Clearly a biased opinion. It all depends on how well you get accustomed to the layout/GUI.
I could never stand the Apple “show the desktop while the application is active.” look.
I have run into MANY occasions where the PC’s support for color to print is horrid, and have yet to face that with any MAC…YET is the key word lol.
And I’m not going to lie, getting used to the “show the desktop while the application is active.” look, did take a slight bit to get used to, but when you learn all the different ways of using it and its capabilities it actually becomes a preference. The ease of use is all determined upon the will to learn. I would never sell a MAC to someone shopping at Best Buy looking for a PC unless they’re willing to learn, and I’ve said that to them multiple times. We get tons of returns because people aren’t willing to learn a new OS. I always compare it to getting a new house, you just have to find a new way to your bed room.
EDIT: Vista is a case in example. Personally I like the look at feel of it, where as for some “new users” they don’t want to take the time to learn it.