I bought a mac because...

I’m curious why everyone lately is buying a mac. I have a little of everything, so I am not biased one way or the other. To me, a computer is a tool, and you use the right too for the job. But I have noticed a bunch of people lately that buy macs because they think that makes them a better person. It’s trendy and stylish. “Look, I have a mac, because I am smarter than you…” And these are the same people that don’t know the first things about computers. This is just a theory of mine lately, and I would like some data to see if it’s at all true.

I bought a mac cause its unix based, and im kind of a nerd.

unix filesystems > *
unix kernel is VERY secure

<3 darwin

edit: I wish they would just release the fucking OS for use in standard pc’s

Well, the macbook was smaller and lighter than offerings from Dell and HP, since I bring it with me everyday to school that was a big issue.

I can plug it into any network I want and not have to worry about infections within 5 minutes (big problem at UB)

It cost more than some others, but well under what I had spent on the first desktop I built.

You dont really have a viable option in that voting scheme…

where is the i rock a pc option?


Well, the macbook was smaller and lighter than offerings from Dell and HP, since I bring it with me everyday to school that was a big issue.

I can plug it into any network I want and not have to worry about infections within 5 minutes (big problem at UB)

It cost more than some others, but well under what I had spent on the first desktop I built.

You dont really have a viable option in that voting scheme…


on average, it only take 18 minutes for an unprotected windows machine to be infected on the network at UB.

And since i know this is going to turn into a pissing match. Theres WAY less security holes in MACOS X then windows. I back this up by simply stating that it has to do with how the kernel check permissions on the processes that it runs. Windows XP does MUCH less of this checking and leaves itself VERY vulnerable to attacks.


where is the i rock a pc option?


Oh yeah, it looks like I forgot the “I have a pc and am a complete moron that can’t read” option.

And this is not a pissing match. This is why you bought a mac. That’s all.

just wait for the windows sack riders to show up, this is nyspeed, every discussion is a pissing match :wink:

I have also noticed that a lot of people have bought into that rumor that macs don’t crash. I had one girl that thought she had a broken laptop because it kept crashing when she tried watching a specific video file.

Where’s the “I bought it cause it was cheap” option? Seriously. Bought the mini cause it was only $300 basically brand new with most options. Best Music and movie player I could find.


I have also noticed that a lot of people have bought into that rumor that macs don’t crash. I had one girl that thought she had a broken laptop because it kept crashing when she tried watching a specific video file.


people will beleive anything.

theyre definitely pretty stable tho


Where’s the “I bought it cause it was cheap” option? Seriously. Bought the mini cause it was only $300 basically brand new with most options. Best Music and movie player I could find.


i got my ibook for 270. it was a great deal. I really like this laptop


where is the i rock a pc option?


do me a favor: type out the title of this thread in your next post here.

I have both Macs and PCs. I use the PCs because they were cheap and adequate to run the PC only software that I use such as the PC premiere Quickbooks. Also most tuning apps don’t work on a Mac so I have to have PC tuning laptops.

If I could do everything on Macs, I would. My mac doesn’t crash and doesn’t need restarted regularly. I don’t have to restart when I change network settings. I don’t worry about viruses because since 1984 when my dad brought our first Mac home neither myself nor anyone in my family has ever had a virus on their Mac. We’ve had PCs and that was always an issue.

Most importantly, I can get things done more quickly on the Mac because of the OS X user interface (not related to processor speed). The Mac which is my primary computer is from 99 and aside from being a little sluggish when certain web pages use javascript, it keeps up with my crazy multitasking quite well.

There is a theory that more people are buying Apple computers because of the “iPod Halo Effect,” meaning that they bought an iPod and loved it so much that they thought they’d try out other Apple products. I personally don’t know anyone that’s bought a Mac because they loved their iPod. All the people that I know that have bought Macs have been because I or other Mac users have suggested it to them. Out of the 10 or so people that I can think of, all have loved them.

I rock a MacPro w/ dual 22" LCDs and a Macbook that my work owns. I simply love OS X. I use my mac for everything including coding, photo & video editing with Aperture/Photoshop/FCP, and running several Parallels VMs of different linux distros when I want to try something out. I run the developer’s preview of Leopard on my iMac at work and it’s surprisingly stable compared to previous DPs. Plus, I have Parallels so I can run XP if I need to run the one or two apps that aren’t available for OS X (usually small home brew apps we have at work for administrative tasks).


I wish they would just release the fucking OS for use in standard pc’s


If they did that I’m sure they would sell tons of licenses, however they would likely loose greater hardware revenue and even though SJ gets up on stage at every keynote and refers to Apple as a software company they make most of their money from hardware sales, which they charge a premium for.


on average, it only take 18 minutes for an unprotected windows machine to be infected on the network at UB.


If that’s true, and I don’t doubt it is, that’s hilarious.

I’m still not that fluent on a MAC, I only work with PC at work.

However I do love my iBook

mostly because it’s pretty :redface:

I work in CIT at UB, its entirely true in the residence halls

I made my parents buy a mac because I have had zero issues with macs in the past, and I got sick of my dad calling me all the time with PC problems

…because a macbook is the best hardware out there for my needs.


And why would you put an unprotected computer on a college, or any for that matter, network?

whoever says that mac’s never crash is either full of it, or has some freak luck.

I’ve used a few macs in the past, and they would both do odd little quirky things. For instance, go into iPhoto and it would just sit there… thinking… thinking… thinking for hours and hours and got to the point where you’d have to manually “pull the plug” and restart the thing because it locked itself up.

As another example… my iPhone, which is running a smaller scale osx. Atleast once a day, if not more, it’ll crash programs I’m working in. For instance, I’ll be in the ipod section of the phone… listening to music and out of nowhere, brings me back to the dashboard. It’s done it with almost every app on the phone. Granted, mine is modded… but a friend of mine also has an iphone (unmodded) and runs into a lot of the same problems.

don’t get me wrong though, still love the phone :smiley:


And why would you put an unprotected computer on a college, or any for that matter, network?


I wondered the same thing

hell, the first thing that goes on my PC on a fresh install before anything is my firewall (and disable xp’s) and AV/AS suite. Then again, not everyone is computer savvy though. My ex had a TON of spyware/virii on her PC from this. She was downloading from kazza with NO protection

Honestly, a HUGE majority of mac users believe that they’re immune to viruses and malware. With macs popularity on the rise, it’s only a matter of time before you see a substantial rise in the amount of people getting infected on a mac.

Just about everything out there can be hacked/exploits can be taken advantage of. Nothing is immune, believe it or not.


a pretty good read on the subject

Compared with Windows, the Macintosh platform is still largely untouched by vulnerability exploits.

But the prompt release of exploit code for a vulnerability detailed in a May 24 set of updates shows that it’s catching up fast when it comes to grabbing the attention of exploit writers.

“It is very Microsoft. It’s something we’ve grown to expect in Microsoft: The descriptions of patches lead people to write exploits for something that’s been patched,” said Rob Enderle, principal analyst for the Enderle Group. “It was only a matter of time before that kind of behavior hit [the Mac] platform. People are going after consumers, and they’re going after consumers broadly.”

• Click here to visit FOXNews.com’s Cybersecurity Center.

Security research company Immunity released the exploit code — which leveraged a buffer overflow vulnerability in the UPnP Internet Gateway Device Standardized Device Control code that’s used to create port mappings on home NAT (Network Address Translation) gateways in the OS X mDNSResponder implementation — less than 24 hours after Apple had released a patch for it.

(Story continues below)

[quote=“Matt Danger,post:13,topic:36127"”]

There is a theory that more people are buying Apple computers because of the “iPod Halo Effect,” meaning that they bought an iPod and loved it so much that they thought they’d try out other Apple products. I personally don’t know anyone that’s bought a Mac because they loved their iPod. All the people that I know that have bought Macs have been because I or other Mac users have suggested it to them. Out of the 10 or so people that I can think of, all have loved them.


I work at a store that sells Macs and PC’s. They went from being about 3-5% of our computer sales to about 30% in one year.

And a GOOD majority of the people that bought them is for the iPod halo effect or because they are pretty. Or their friends encourage them to buy one. I would say if we ask 10 students that are buying a Mac how much experience they have on them, 8 of their answers would be close to none.

I’m sorry, but when I’m dropping $1200 to $2000 on a computer I’m going to research the hell out of it before I buy it. They are coming up to the register still asking basic questions like does Microsoft make Office for the Mac and can I connect to the wireless network.

As for viruses, like the comic above, its because there are 8 kazillion PC’s out there and that is what programmers make viruses on. I believe there have been a few Mac viruses, but they have been low key and minimal damage. It’s an ego trip for the virus creator. Would you rather see your work effect a large or a small group? As for students not protecting their computer being a Mac or PC, that’s just dumb. And they think they are safe even if they run Boot Camp or Parallels and Windows. They think that if they use a Mac, they are completely safe.

And yes Mac’s do crash. We have them set on display at our store and even the Mac screensaver will lock them up. But a few times a week, I see it happen, and we just have the basic setup on them, with nothing extreme installed.

I think that the Mac product is very nice. Screens are amazingly clear and beautiful. I really like the iMac 24". I’m not going to be rocking one anytime soon since a PC will do everything that I want it to do and costs 1/2 to 1/3 the price if I build it. There is no reason for me to get a Mac to conform to society or to be able to say I am running 2 operating systems.

And Imac’s are not the end all and be all of the MP3 player world. Check out www.archos.com