I bought a mac because...


I think that the Mac product is very nice. Screens are amazingly clear and beautiful. I really like the iMac 24". I’m not going to be rocking one anytime soon since a PC will do everything that I want it to do and costs 1/2 to 1/3 the price if I build it. There is no reason for me to get a Mac to conform to society or to be able to say I am running 2 operating systems.

And Imac’s are not the end all and be all of the MP3 player world. Check out www.archos.com


joe, if you have a decently fast PC, look at PearPC… it’ll enable you to run OSX on your PC (via a shell in windows… atleast, currently). Cool to just mess around with

I’ve never owned a mac :gotme:

I have a good friend that has one and he says the graphics and gaming is way better than his hold PC, however he had a 4 year old dell, sooo

Then why are you posting???


I have a good friend that has one and he says the graphics and gaming is way better than his hold PC, however he had a 4 year old dell, sooo


I was actually surprised to see that some devs are making blockbuster titles for the mac as well. However, since mac uses opengl (I believe) opposed to the directx api, I’d be shocked to see any next gen graphics/shaders implemented on a mac.

however, I’m not a mac user (especially for games) so I couldn’t say for sure either way.

I made the switch to mac 4 months ago at home, and I have been pushing to make the switch at work ever since.

I’ve been a PC guy for years, I’ve never bought into the fact that Apple could do anything better.

Lately, I have started to work with more designers and developers that swore by the Apple Platform, so I decided to try it with the new 24" iMac, since it fit my needs as a relatively cheap machine that would eliminate the mess around my desk, and also serve as a test station for my business. (All websites need to be tested in both mac and PC enviroments, on multiple browsers).

Within a week, the iMac took over as my default machine. OS X’s UI is incredibly intuitive and not to mention stable, and once I got past the initial learning curve, I became more efficient than I was on the PC.

Another reason I wanted to buy the iMac and try it out, was to be able to use all of the applications that are useful to my job that are only available for OS X. Textmate, Voodoo Pad, Transmit, XScope, OmniPage, iWork, CSSEdit are all amazing applications that are unmatched in the PC/Windows world.

Between having access to these applications and the pure usability of the IU, there are other things that I come to love, such as Widgets (Dashboard), Expose, Spotlight Search, and the simplicity, usefulness and integration of ical, ichat, mail, and the iphone.

Graphics speed. Say what you want, I have NEVER built a PC or used a PC that would have the raw graphic speed of a mac. I am not talking about gaming, I am talking about being able to use Expose on command and have it be fast, fluid and beautiful, every time. Or run through cover flow in ituned without it bogging down and twitching. OS X does these things flawlessly.

I’ve had my mac lock up on me ONCE in 4 months, other than that it has been perfect, the screen is one of the best I’ve ever used, and yes, the mouse does have a right mouse button.

Not to mention it is a sexy looking machine!

That’s my point - some things a mac is better for, some things a pc is better for. The one thing that always bugged me about my mac is that I can’t surf the web easily, because nothing is ever formatted correctly, and files aren’t encoded with the proper codec, and I can’t download half the games. For daily life, I use my pc more than anything. I rock the mac when I have something graphically oriented, because the interface is so much better that I can rip through it in half the time.

<— mac user since 1984

none of the answers really apply to me, so I didn’t vote :stuck_out_tongue:

why should I HAVE to bog down my machine with an on-slaught of antivirus/spyware protection just so I can go on the net?

for the same reason why you’d want to lock your house up when leaving it. It just so happens that a windows computer has the built in stuff… annnnnd a huge amount of 3rd party.

apple has their in house stuff… thats about it, and according to that article… it’s going to bite them in the ass

if windows didn’t have an 8X% share of the market, you probably wouldn’t really need it on a windows machine either

edit: do you don’t run any kind of firewall? no malware/virus protection? They DO exist for mac (exploits and virus’s)… I wouldn’t feel very safe running on an open network without any protection, but thats just me


Oh yeah, it looks like I forgot the “I have a pc and am a complete moron that can’t read” option.

And this is not a pissing match. This is why you bought a mac. That’s all.


omg. laugh out loud!!!


why should I HAVE to bog down my machine with an on-slaught of antivirus/spyware protection just so I can go on the net?


If that bogs down your pc, then I have this for you: fucking lol


I wondered the same thing

hell, the first thing that goes on my PC on a fresh install before anything is my firewall (and disable xp’s) and AV/AS suite. Then again, not everyone is computer savvy though. My ex had a TON of spyware/virii on her PC from this. She was downloading from kazza with NO protection


Thats the problem. The majority of PC users are complete fucktwats and can’t maintain a machine. For now, Mac users haven’t had to maintain their machines in the slightest. So what does everyone start doing? Jumping ship and proclaiming that Macs are all around better. My machine(PC) runs perfectly, and I spend MAYBE 5-10 minutes using clean-up programs. OH THE FUCKING HUMANITY 5 MINUTES A WEEK.

^ most people don’t want a machine that you have to maintain which is nice about the mac.

Owning a PC is like a VAG car sure its nice and can do a few things better but the maintance is annoying, and it never runs 100%.


…because a macbook is the best hardware out there for my needs.



The only reason I bought the Mac over a PC was simply because I wanted a 13" laptop and the Mac was cheaper than a PC for a 13" with the hardware I wanted.

(and I got a free printer and free iPod)

Im buying a Mac book shortly…I love that Macs are unix based now…

When I did have a mac:

I bought it because it’s what we used at school (at the time) and it was so easy to operate and I hadn’t learned PC’s yet.


My machine(PC) runs perfectly, and I spend MAYBE 5-10 minutes using clean-up programs. OH THE FUCKING HUMANITY 5 MINUTES A WEEK.


:word: My pc’s run flawlessly and I barely do any maintenance. I just set it up properly in the first place.

I also bought mine cuz its the only hardware that will run the iPimp and iSlapahoe software… just living the iLife.


for the same reason why you’d want to lock your house up when leaving it. It just so happens that a windows computer has the built in stuff… annnnnd a huge amount of 3rd party.

apple has their in house stuff… thats about it, and according to that article… it’s going to bite them in the ass

if windows didn’t have an 8X% share of the market, you probably wouldn’t really need it on a windows machine either

edit: do you don’t run any kind of firewall? no malware/virus protection? They DO exist for mac (exploits and virus’s)… I wouldn’t feel very safe running on an open network without any protection, but thats just me


man, you really suck. off course i use a firewall, however, I do not use any virus/malware protection on my mac.

personally. Ide rather live in a house that didnt have exploits like backdoors that are completely unlocked


If that bogs down your pc, then I have this for you: fucking lol


explain to me how running full-time antivirus does not affect the performance of your computer…seriously, try


^ Word, on a laptop with a nice slow single hd, and generally poor everything else, all that spyware and antiviral crap really boggs it down quick…

But, i own a mac for several reasons.

  1. Im tired of loosening my data.
  2. Im tired of having my comp not working correctly from viruses and spyware even though i have 2 spyware programs running, a hardware and a properly configured software firewall.
  3. I dont LOVE my macbook pro, but i cant find a better option reguardless of price or OS… seriously… No clue why…


That’s my point - some things a mac is better for, some things a pc is better for. The one thing that always bugged me about my mac is that I can’t surf the web easily, because nothing is ever formatted correctly, and files aren’t encoded with the proper codec, and I can’t download half the games. For daily life, I use my pc more than anything. I rock the mac when I have something graphically oriented, because the interface is so much better that I can rip through it in half the time.


I think you are mistaken macs of today with macs of the past. And not even macs for that matter, but the browsers that were used on macs. IE5 and Safari 1 were terrible, but since web-standards compliant browsers have been around, most of the mac related display issues are things of the past.

I use Safari and Firefox daily, and spend most of my days online, and I have no more issues than I have on my PC. (almost none). I did have some trouble playing WMV files, but I got the plugin and I am all set.