Sooo, you buy a mac because?

they are secure?


Mac’s are over rated. Yes they are nice when running certain applications and video rendering…but all in all…I am more accustomed to PC so that gets my vote.

i jsut run Linux on my Dell laptop

If I didn’t have a Mac, how will I ever fit in at my local coffee house, drinking my non-fat-no-caff-diet-mocha-venti-latte, with splenda

a lot of the vulnerabilities listed have nothing to do with the OS itself, rather they have to do with applications that the user running. most listed are apps that the normal user doesn’t run.

anyway, i heart my mac.

another ridiculously irrelevant “study”. lol.

Notice the Apple vulnerabilities include all 3rd party vulnerabilities and the MS do not.

Also, you should take note that Secunia actually has warnings on their site that advise against ever making security comparisons between platforms based on their reportings because of about 100 different reasons.

This doesnt account for the fact that there are many more people out there trying to exploit PC’s than Apple products - something to take into consideration.

worst article ever, it seriously reported vulnerabilities that were system setup dependent, for instance:

Unspecified vulnerability in Adobe Flash Player and earlier, when running on Opera before 9.24 on Mac OS X

Since no one really uses that shit, you can just knock that right off the list. A LOT of vulnerabilities(almost half the ones I browsed through) listed came from the Perl Regular Expression libraries(if any of you humpers know what that is) which most people would rarely use and could just be uninstalled… I will not go through the rest of that list, but 90% of those vulnerabilities were system setup dependant AND they were vulnerabilities that could be exploited on ANY Unix based OS.

Most mainstream pc magazines are seriously innacurate…if professionals are taking advice like this seriously, then its no wonder why 99% of businesses are running windows machines

Macs are just as secure as PC’s, its just that no ones gives a shit.

that is completely untrue, thanks for playing though…come back when you are actually educated about Operating Systems and how they work. Give me even one single intelligent reason.

Meh its the same with Viruses (virii?). Nobody writes them for Macs bc they are less popular. As Macs become more popular there will be more security holes exposed and more viruses.

exactly… anyone who thinks their 100% secure has a false sense of it. You just have to be cautious and use common sense. I’ve heard the linux argument too, but linux is just as vulnerable. Even though Vista has counter measures in place for protecting the computer, it’s still just as unsecured as XP was. It only takes one person to discover a loop hole/flaw in the software and take advantage of it. thats just the world we live in these days (unless you don’t use the internet, in which case you’re more than likely 100% secure from virii/spyware )

MAC = Men Adoring C*cks :stuck_out_tongue:

no operating system is free of vulnerabilities

If Apple had a foothold on the business world in the same way the PC does everything that has been said in this thread could be flipped!

And i guarantee that as soon as some 15 year old hacker decides to pick out the exploits you’ll find that there are almost as many as windows.

I think its funny the number of people that buy a mac and run windows on it. Kinda defeats the point, doesn’t it?

yeah lol I remember when NT first came out there was install files for I386, Alpha and PowerPC. WTF? :gotme:

well, that certainly just is not true. I got a chance to learn a SMALL amount about this stuff last semester. My professor happens to be the lead release engineer for the FREEBSD project. The guy knows Operating Systems better then most programmers, Admins, etc… The way he explained it was that XP does a lot of letting third party software access hardware directly(like 3d games and shit). They have been cutting down on this sort of thing with Vista. It is the reason why a lot of games that run on XP don’t run on Vista. As well as the human engineering aspect of everyone running around on their machines as Admin, and just clicking the hell out of things.

With a Unix based Operating System, you can do ANYTHING once you become the root user. So most all unix exploits are trying to find a way to become root user and then just execute commands as root. That is how the exploits are done on unix OSs(Linuxes, Mac(Darwin), BSD flavors)

With windows, its just so much easier because 99% or users are always logged in as Admin, all the work has been done for them. The only thing virus writers need to do is convince the user to click the icon.

Indeed it does

I can understand that some people just cant live without a hand full of windows apps. But its just ridiculous to install windows on a mac when you could almost just as easily use parallels to do a few windows chores.

I’m sure published exploits will increase but not to the levels XP experienced. The unix security model alone makes a huge difference.

Actually Windows runs really well on the Mac hardware primarily because of the driver disc that Boot Camp generates. An OS is only as good as its drivers so it can best make use of the hardware it’s running on. Plus, if you priced out a similarly spec’d Dell or HP computer I think the prices are pretty close. Building our own rig is obviously cheaper than both.

And people need to realize this and stop :deadhorse:

That said, if you want an uber secure OS install OpenBSD. 2 exploits in 10 years.

Hey Mr KrazyJon I got some good Mac and government storys get at me :slight_smile: