FireFox bandwagon

better watch out … people are starting to notice the migration from netscape and IE

interesting article

gartner group > *

Thats awsome, I’m a convert as of this week. Next is bye-bye Windows.

yah right… bye bye windows…

oohhhhhhhh you’re soooooo hardcore :bsflag:


please, you’d be hung up to dry without windows… no way can you know all there is to know about linux or mac… i have production linux servers and i dont’ even know 1/2 of what there is to know.


because the other OS’s are soo much better :rolleyes:

linux will be a compeitior in about 5 years, apple was never or will ever be a competitor. Windows is the best desktop OS out there and there ain’t nothing even close right now.

LOL Wow holy shit stfu* . I’ve been working alot with mac osx jaguar recently and its really not that bad. I just can’t get over only having 1 mouse button :frowning:
Obviously have to use it here at work but for home use I’m open to anything right now after my hd platter had a little splatter last night.

that’s my point… you know how simple it is to slave a harddrive and copy info in windows… it’s not as cut and dry in linux…

it’s obviously up to you, but changing os’s isn’t always the solution…

the cost to train employees anywhere on a new operating system, and provide onsite support = windows will be around for a very long time



Am I the only one here NOT impressed with firefox?

firefox blows, nix is ok since i use it everyday now I see its purpose but never for a home OS… nix will never be in the homes as a major OS. microsoft is making a nix type OS as we speak i can guarantee that, microsoft will own your computers for the rest of your life.


This is turning into a Mustang vs. Camero debate…I can see it now

no… has much better potential to turn into the ever so populat import vs domestic battle

camaro>* nuff said!:smiley:

its not really much a battle at all, if the nix people all came together and made one kick ass distro for home users and for server use then maybe they would have a chance beating Microsoft. until then, microsoft OS will be my choice

nope… i don’t use it … maxthon is my choice except you can’t use UNC’s :frowning: :squint:

my IE wouldn’t work right. it would lock up after watching vids or viewing a pic. and the fan was running wideopen all the time, but there was nothing running. so wifey loaded firefox and all is better.