Google give a two finger salute to Windows on internal systems...

sounds like a sys admin’s worst nightmare

Not really with a Xserve or 2 and running some of Apple’s tools you get windows like control of OS X and you can get the same in linux if you standardize on Gnome.

Thinking that is just buying into Microsoft FUD, yes they have a big leg on most people but it can be done in linux and OS X.

I am UNIX/SAN admin, honestly there isn’t a damn thing I do on a daily basis that linux or os x wouldn’t be perfectly fine for. Hate using windows on a daily basis for work.

I agree for the most part, but it would be a MAJOR pain in the ass to migrate a Google-sized corporation away from Windows-based, to this.

edit: I run on a linux box at work as well, and can most everything. However, my department has ZERO control over my machine.

Hate to convert all those servers and all those clients. Seems like google owns between a shitload and a fuckton of servers. I cringe at the idea of (managing) linux servers.

Rolling out OS X in the enterprise is easy and there are a ton of great tools…

I worked on the pilot program to roll them out for the DoD in the pentagon.

JAMF makes this suite of tools like Casper and many other to quickly build and provision OS images over the network and manage them.

Whats wrong with managing Linux servers??

Seriously, why? Linux can be managed just as easy and in some case far better than windows.

In all linux shop, Puppet just destroys any of configuration management suite. It is simple to use as well.

---------- Post added at 11:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:56 AM ----------

Keep in mind a large percentage of Google’s servers are linux already, they built there platform from the get go on linux, but I believe a lot of there users ran windows.

That link you posted doesn’t tell you how many windows servers google runs…

I would imagine a majority of those are non windows based anyways.

knowing how to run linux in the enterprise and being able to manage linux servers can make you some great money compared to similar windows skills…

Windows, Mac’s, or Linux. If your users download some stupid file, your still fucked.



* Being used to manage all recent Mac OS X and Linux desktops, laptops, servers in the corporate infrastructure.
* Not used in production (ie Gmail etc) at all.
* Country: Global
* Contact: Nigel Kersten (nigelk on #puppet)

Go figure I’ve never even heard of this software suite before.

That’s why linux is called the most expensive free OS around. The support for them is hard to find. I would imagine most of their web servers are Apache or some other Linux form. The Xservers are probably very similar as I haven’t worked with them before. I just hate the command line in Linux. I’m pretty decent in the DOS Cmd line, but not bash commands.

I do love Linux as an application platform for servers that are build to do one task all day every day but I agree with you that managing users on a desktop side is horrible. That Puppet looks pretty cool tho.

you sound VERY clueless

Apache isn’t a ‘linux form’. It is an application that serves http. Apache can run on array of different Operating Systems.

My linux background is pretty limited. I’ve really only dealt with Red Hat. I meant to say the servers are probably running Apache. Linux servers seem to be the more popular “brand” of web hosting servers.

Sounds a lot like you don’t know what you’re doing and shouldn’t be framing an argument against a toolset you’re unfamiliar with.

There is a range of HTTP servers that run on Linux. Just because a server is Linux based doesn’t mean its a web server or running Apache. I have 3 different web servers and only one of them is running Apache… The choice by Google is more of a internal user desktop move away from Windows than a server discussion.

You had a good point saying that Linux is a more expensive OS in the labor to manage a desktop deployment because there has been studies out there of companies who have switched and the labor to manage the workstations over cleaning up a busted Windows desktop but anything you posted after that was horrible.

insert random nerd jargon into this conversation

Well my main point was I’m sure it won’t be easy for them to just say OK we’re running linux and OSX now no more windows. I’m sure they have plenty of Linux servers as of now, but I’d like to assume that most of their client PCs and a good chunk of servers are Windows. I can’t imagine all their IT staff is fluent in Linux architecture

“…Since then, the company has grown to more than 10,000 employees worldwide…”

That’s one HELL of a migration

I wanna see a Ebay listing for bulk 10,000 Windows licenses when they are done.