LINUX: You're holding our kids back!

Pretty sad that some people think Microsoft is the end-all be-all of software even now with Apple and Linux becoming more and more powerful.

I personally love the response and agree 100%. Linux is a great way to learn the in’s and out’s of a PC and how its constructed.

HAHA My sister is 13, She is running Kubuntu, and already knows PERL. During her winter break she is going to be learning HTML, CSS, and other web Dev things.

I had nothing to do with this :snky:

Linux sucks

Must either A. Not want to take the time to learn it or B. Is a Microsoft leg humper Seriously i run Fedora on my laptop and its so much better than Windows more stable more secure and you can do so much more not to mention it and all its programs are free

IDK why people use Linux or Windows.

Macintosh is clearly the best choice… Since it has a superior Operating system and hardware.


linux is a great OS, just a shame that it’s not as accepted commercially. It would be nice to see photoshop and other high end applications written specifically for it.

and because of that, it makes the OS sort of difficult to learn :\


Linux = Green party.


MAC = green party

I vote republican, and I am probably one of the biggest linux users on this site.

That email sent by that woman is ridiculous beyond belief. I was seriously infuriated reading that. Such ignorance.

Linux especially Fedora core is basically a windows knock off…similar GUI, just not as user friendly or as supported.

I meant more along the lines of obscure left wing no one cares about useless idiots in my comparison.

and totally open. You could rewrite the entire OS to your own liking if you wanted… you don’t have to use gnome either. I do agree though, it’s not as user friendly (can you imagine your grandmother hacking away in the console lol?) but support is actually pretty decent. If you ever have a problem, a simple google search will more than likely find the answer

Apache servers are the only plus side to Linux. The whole purpose of the GUI was to steer away from Command Line…yet linux still bases it’s operation around this. I understand that Linux is open source, but I’m guessing changing the kernal and so forth is not something that can be done in a couple minutes. By support I meant more along the lines of Live Help. Granted the windows knowledge center/database or w/e it’s called is insanely shitty, but there is more support via companies/phone lines/internet forums/so on for windows.

Overall I guess I hate Linux as a client. Especially installing it.

Apache has been ported over to windows btw

Changing the kernel? Download the source via yum or an rpm package…install/unpack make changes…and run the make command to compile :lol:

Weird MacOS X is built around BSD based core operating system it has a CLI…

You can get support for Linux based operating systems…You just need to buy support.

You hate installing Fedora? It takes almost the same number of clicks to install Windows XP as it does Fedora…

The instillation is more involved with Linux.

Whats wrong with GIMP :slight_smile:

nothing wrong with gimp, but put it head to head with a professional suite like Photoshop and the difference pretty clear, especially 3rd party plugins and shit. People do good work with it though

True…Most graphics people use Macs and since they are bsd based I guess they are a lot closer to Linux.