Google Chrome

Anybody use it?

I use Firefox quite a bit, so I’m used to its add ons.

Is there anything out there for chrome that will open all new tabs in a new tab window from url, link, etc?

I use it always. I love it. You can right click, and open in new tab. Otherwise, I dont really know.

chrome is ghey


i do i think its way faster.

I used Firefox for year as well and just recently switched to Chrome. It runs better than Firefox, but the ad-blocking on Chrome blows. Ad-Block plugin on Firefox is 1000x better than Ad-Block plugin on Chrome. Otherwise, it’s not bad.

firefox ftw

now that chrome has an unlinker that isn’t bookmarked based it is so much better…now if only they would come out w a new betta for mac that has a bookmark manager

ehh, I have Chrome & FF on my laptop & I still prefer FF

FF is slow. Much slower. It takes like 4 seconds to open as opposed to Chrome which only takes 1. Also XMarks, the bookmark sync utility, lags the browser like a mofo when it’s syncing. When it was Foxmarks, it was a good product. Now it kind of sucks.

Chrome syncs automatically with Google so it’s quiet and lite.

Chrome FTW.

I love Chrome. I’ve been trying to convince our IT people to let me use it at work, but they’re all M$. It’s so much faster.

Chrome, as with most Google products, is too invasive for my liking. Too much fineprint and “anonymous data collection services” running in the background. From a privacy standpoint, I’m steering clear and sticking with FF.

FF has gotten very bloated over the years, especialy when you start adding in plugins and other features, while I still use it quite a bit for certain things, for my basic browsing I use chrome.

i like using chrome, except i get stuck on some pages when i try to change websites. or sometimes it wont allow me to PM somebody until i shutdown the browser and reopen which is a pain in the ass… i never had a problems like that with FF.

either one is better than that shit they call internet explorer 8

i like chrome, cept for that .dll error

Just switched to Chrome about a week ago, seems much faster than anything else I’ve tried.

Chrome loads up my porn much quicker than Firefox can. At least in the week I’ve been using it now.

I am still on Netscape. I might need to try this chrome thing out.

:rofl I hope you aren’t serious.

LOL I tried to install it on Win 7 a sec ago to post a lol screen shot and it wont load. :banghead