Google Chrome

the google browser… anyone use it?

ie8 is said to have beaten mozilla in speed tests for multitabbed browsing… wonder how this will do


Seems cool, read some reviews. Until shows me a huge benefit I think I will stick with good ol IE.

this is semi not cool:

Much ink and many electrons are being spilled over Google’s Chrome browser (discussed here twice in recent days): from deep backgrounders to performance benchmarks to its vulnerability to a carpet-bombing flaw. The latest angle to be explored is Chrome’s end-user license agreement. It does not look consumer-friendly. “By submitting, posting or displaying the content you give Google a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to reproduce, adapt, modify, translate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute any content which you submit, post or display on or through, the services. This license is for the sole purpose of enabling Google to display, distribute and promote the services and may be revoked for certain services as defined in the additional terms of those services.”

Wow, OWNED never looked so wordy.

I just read that on Slashdot. Quite an interesting turn of events for the fastest browser on the planet! I am wondering if they wrote that in to allow them the ability to display ad’s on the content you are viewing.

one process per tab. basically an os for a browser. I love the idea. Just getting around to installing it now.

ie8 is suppose to be doing something similar… recently ie8 surpassed mozilla for performance based multi-tabbed browsing.

I’m a huge fan of anything the big G puts out. So far, from what I’ve seen, Chrome is very slick. The integration of things like, making Web 2.0 shortcuts like Mozilla Prism is a big plus.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, this is further proof Google is releasing an OS. Hell, with the trend of thin-clients and Web 2.0, this practically is Google’s OS. The’d just need to make it stand alone, and add a desktop interface of sorts. Google is doing exactly what M$ did, just backwards.

only annoying thing I’ve found so far is that you can’t right-click refresh…

My only gripes are that, and my middle mouse button (Pushing the scroll wheel in.) Does not bring up the scrolling cursor.

Need to check it out later, chances are I will stick to Opera and IE for my browsing. Ill refrain from posting all my firefox hate in this thread.

let it out. :slight_smile: firefox is horrible.

I am an IE fan but will check out chrome to see how it is.

chromes nice been running it since launch. Only complaint is how google will target all the ads to things you look at. I never got so many porn ads in my life haha.

It’s pretty speedy though.

LOL @ that image. Too bad Comcast threw up its faggatory 250gb cap.

Soon as I get home from work this morning I am tossing tomato on my router so I can track bandwidth.

FF v3.0 failed for me miserably, I went back to v2.0.26. I’ve seen some nice things about chrome, it won’t hurt to give it a try.

I’m usually a die hard IE user, but maybe I’ll give Chrome a shot. FireFox hasn’t been all it’s cracked up to be in my experience.

resolved as an oversight:

I installed Chrome last night. I like everything except for how it makes OWA look. It also worked with a lot of webpages that Firefox cannot display, so that’s a big plus.

IE8>IE7>Chrome>>>>>>>Firefox and all of the other shitty browsers