It’s not even a RC and the upgrade is amazing.

seriously dude?

i’m having trouble believing it being as IE8 takes 15 minutes to even get me into the fucking address bar. :rofl. I know you know whats up though, so I’ll give er a rip. Is it really legit?

It’s legit but it’s not a Release Candidat. It’s basically for developers to debug/test for them. The release notes (still early) are very impressive.

Also, fix your PC. I have IE8 on many machines including my entire company with no issues.

i may have exaggerated, IE8 just can’t hold a candle to chrome or Firefox.

IE8 can’t hold a candle to chrome?

Chrome is a lightweight browser with much less functionality. It shouldn’t be compared…

IE vs FF is a different story but I am pro-MS so I am bias.


But, yea, it should be a significant upgrade. Do a google on it. It scored well on performance. Sounds like MS doesn’t like losing ground to FF.

i don’t blame them, IE is still the ONLY browser that does a lot of thing properly. 9 times out of 10, if it doesn’t work in chrome or FF, it works in IE. I just hate how IE is slow, and VERY prone to spyware.

Odd. I never get any spyware. All my PCs are dual core AMD with 4GB of ram. I don’t ever have any slowness but it depends on what’s loaded, config, etc.

i just notice it takes longer to initially load the browser and allow me to get to an address bar.

chrome FTW!

I use to use Opera but the glitches it has lately sucks, but its password wizard, speed dial and webpage recall make it awesome.

I use a combination of IE8, Chrome and Opera through out the day.

I hate how FF downloads my crap

I used to use IE6/7, then went to FF and that started to slow down BAD (and trust me, I know what I’m doing), so I went to Chrome and that’s been pretty good although I hate how in a forum if you’re posting and press CTRL + B to bold, it removes the bookmarks bar instead of doing bold. Small stuff like that piss me off lol.

I’ll give IE9 a rip when it’s an RC.