problem with internet explorer

i have IE 7 on both my laptop and my desktop, and i only have this problem on my laptop. when i go to websites with pictures like facebook or myspace, IE crashes. it also happens if i click on a thread with pictures. i have all the current windows updates. any ideas?

Start -> Run -> Appwiz.cpl -> Find Internet Explorer 7 in the list -> Click the button to the right. Voila! Internet Explorer 6 :slight_smile:

Go to Search “Internet Explorer 7”
Download, install again.

Problem fixed?

Microsofts newest piece of shit update caused all kinds of problems for me. System restore to the last restor point. Problem solved. FU mS n your fucking updates.

yeah i had to restore back to march 12th, before i installed IE7. i WILL NOT be installing it again.

good idea, IE sucks i agree with the idea, firefox is a much better browser

maxthon > IE7 if it runs right > firefox > IE6 > IE7 killing your computer

“It is based on the Internet Explorer browser engine” - aka it SUCKS at CSS, web standards, and life in general

bZZZZZT try again. there’s a reason most ppl use FF as a development browser…:roll2:

yeah, and firefox sucks at java, pdf integration, memory leaks like a MF, and makes a lot of pages on my 1400x1050 look like a bag of assholes. I’m not a developer, I don’t give a shit.

aren’t you a mac humper anyways? GTFO.

I still think its hilarious how people thing that Firefox has a memory leak…

What I think many people are talking about however with Firefox 1.5 is not really a memory leak at all. It is in fact a feature.

and by java do you mean JRE? or script?

PDF integration? what do you mean, that its not inside the browser… OH NO ADOBE READER HAS TO RUN!?!@?!? OMG!! there are plugins…


FF is much nicer… oh then FF 2.0 also has things like… inline spell checking… tabs (yes IE7 has them)

but why keep on typing when this is much nicer…

notables that FF has full support where IE has partial or none… XHTML, CSS, spell checking, incremental finding…

if anything in terms of compatibility Opera > *

i’m on my way out and im 9 shots into my pregame so im not gonna compare details, but when i was using mozilla i was CTRL-ALT-DELing every hour, every time I’d open a PDF or applet adobe reader or JRE would take a good 5-10 seconds to open and half the time wouldnt close properly instead of it being integrated, it ate memory compared to maxthon, and the tab function was inferior. This was on a freshly formatted XPP install with a gig of ram. I can spell on my own.
those were all my opinions.

They both have their pluses, I used Maxthon for awhile as it seems to be a good shell for IE. I do have to agree with firefox not being the most reliable compared to IE, but by the same token your much less likely to end up in a situation where irreversible system damage can occur.

situatioons where irreversible system damage can occur != huge nerd corner

but good points, if my roommates want to look at google porn im totally makinmg them use firefox

As a web programmer, I can say that Firefox is better to us then IE, no questions asked. With this said though, a LARGE majority of the world still uses IE compared to Firefox. Something like 4x the number of people, or more. I have the web stats at work.

IE7 is bullshit for CSS compatibility, we had to redo so many of our pages for it, and it still doesn’t work properly with son of suckerfish dropdowns.
