IE 7, RC1 available now

Just downloaded and installed it, went very smooth.

Two things I noticed right away:

  1. Bug with favorites icons fixed.
  2. Bug with deleting favorites using the mouse fixed.

ugh… i may try it out… after IE 6 i really hope everyone is scarred for life and refuses to give IE 7 a chance

I’ve never had problems with IE6 either, but then again, I actually install the updates unlike 95% of the general public.

Beta 3 was/is pretty solid for me. Good info regardless.

meh firefox > ie

what version are you running?

Firefox blows…

ohh ohh ohh, i gotta grab it NOW

lol yeah right

firefox > microcrap

Yeah, I love downloading plug-in after plug-in just to get movies to play…

lol and i love getting spyware just by opening my browser.

Stop going to gay-kiddie porn sites and that won’t happen, duh. :wink:

lol, i do use IE to view some movie sites tho, but i try not too.

i still like firefox more, except lately i’ve had a memory leak issue with firefox.

whats the difference between 6 and 7?

just use the IE tab extension… goodbye from IE forever

and my understanding of the “memory leak” is Firefox caches like the last 6 pages you’ve viewed or something like that, when there are more tabs more pages get cached hence using more ram… which i think is just a setting you can adjust. Info its a feature

also quick fix for “leak”

I could tell you why ie sucks, but you wouldnt understand.